The First Dance

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*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Three knocks, and three knocks alone, shifted the attention of every person residing in the loot house. Rom began reaching for his club, while Subaru held the grip of his sheathed daggers, all in all, the atmosphere of the entire loot house changed. The only person who never felt danger was actually Felt, as she couldn't see the flaw with her deal. It was Felt who moved first. She left her seat with a smile adorning her face as she walked her way towards the worn down wooden door. She thought her time living in the slums would finally be over. She dreamt of a time where she, her brother and old man Rom would finally be free from the oppression that came with living in the slums. It still infuriates her to think that old man Rom can't actually roam the streets without being looked down upon, since he's not only a slum dweller, he's also a demi-human.

"Aren't you even a tad bit scared that this negotiation could go south?" Subaru questioned as he began sweating bullets. Several spells within a day can truly drain a person of all their strength. In a way of preparing for a fight, Subaru subconsciously drained mana from the air.

"Chill out, guys, I ain't scared of nothing. Since I got old man Rom and nii-chan here."

"It's probably the woman who wants to claim the insignia." Felt reassured as she held in her hand the insignia. The insignia in itself, was remarkably made. From its deep black color, its intricate golden dragon, and its eye-catching jewel embedded in the center. Without a doubt it was beautifully crafted, truly suited for a high-ranking person.

"Don't they know the password?" Old man Rom asked as he continued sipping on a bottle of booze. Before Subaru and Felt came to the loot house, Rom was actually indulging himself with a snack Subaru made the night before, and topping it off with a whole bottle of booze. 'I haven't even finished my bottle of booze.' old man Rom lamented.

"Oh, I didn't mention it" Felt said.

'Ehhhh. Am I the only one who tells this password to my clients?' Subaru thought. He remembers teaching every single client the password, taking him about 10 minutes of his time, just to simplify the negotiation process. "Hey, old man Rom, aren't you tired of her using us like this?" Subaru asked the giant who was holding a bat in his hand.

"Well, it ain't like we're strangers to her in any way. I treat her as if she's my granddaughter, and you treat her as if she's your sister." old man Rom answered, with wisdom unbefitting his appearance.

"Welp, can't deny your logic there. Old man Rom forty-five, Natsuki Subaru one." After meeting the gentle giant, Subaru began tallying points whenever the giant's wisdom helped him in any situation and vice versa. The only useful wisdom Subaru actually gave was the procedure of making mayonnaise. Old man Rom even pays Subaru to make good batches of mayonnaise.

"I was right. It was for me. Over here. Care to sit down?" Felt asked the woman by the door. To say she is enigmatic is an understatement. Her height was near Subaru's. She was beautiful no doubt from her face to her uncommon black hair, but her clothing was way too revealing for a woman. She wore a tight strapless dress that exposed her belly button and her cleavage, and all of that was all under her black cloak.

Subaru saw every single detail about the woman with his extremely sharp eyes. After learning the way of a thief, Subaru's vision became far greater from his vision before he came. He could see very fine details on sand, on pockets, on weapons and many more. This vision and his memory, made stealing way easier for the otherworldly boy. With his vision Subaru also noticed knives hidden from plain sight, causing him to be more skeptical of the negotiation that will happen in this loot house.

"Hmm...There seems to be several outsiders here." The woman said as she stared at the giant and the sharp-eyed boy.

"Well, I'd be in trouble if you bilked me. We weaklings have our own brand of smarts." Felt answered as she pointed at the two men sitting at the back of the loot house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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