Chapter 30: Isabel's Fault

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Isabel Newton, 5:24 PM
After school, Noah had approached Isabel in tears. At first, she was obviously taken aback. She comforted him as he sobbed into her shoulder, taking his arm while searching for Leon amongst the many students flooding past her.
"C-Chris dumped me!" He had cried, "He dumped me!"
All Isabel could do was rub his back, hoping that this was a reassuring gesture. However, he acted as though her awkward back rubbing had made no difference to his broken heart. She had searched desperately, finally giving up.
She'd rang him up - using Noah's phone because she couldn't afford one of her own - asking him to come and pick the pair of them up.
Now, here they were, back at Leon's house.
Mrs Walker had just brought in a hot mug of cocoa for Noah, kissing him on the forehead before whispering something to Leon and retreating into the kitchen for a long while. Isabel was curled up against Leon, listening to Noah talk.
"I just don't think it was going to work anyway," Noah sniffed, blowing snot into his tissue. "I acted like a jerk most of the time. It was just so-" He paused, lost in thought.
"Unstable?" Leon suggested, frowning sympathetically. "I've been there mate."
Isabel thought of Camille, wondering how a guy like Leon could possibly end up with a girl like that. They were the complete opposites.
"Yeah unstable," Noah agreed, "I should have just let it die down after the accident. Maybe then, my brother and Dad wouldn't have threw me out and I'd still be living there now."
"But what good is that?" Leon asked, outraged. "You'd still be in denial of your sexuality, you won't really be being yourself."
He shrugged, nonplussed.
"Why should I be myself?" Noah questioned, "So my family can disown me? So my Mom can invite a priest round for tea to try and change who I am?"
Isabel gulped.
"There's no use in wishing of changing the past." She said suddenly, "Let's just hope they'll forgive you-"
"Forgive?" Noah snapped, "Are you trying to imply that I've done something wrong?"
"I didn't mean it like that," Isabel replied calmly, "All I meant is that your family think you've done something wrong, they believe you chose to be the way you are."
"Should I apologize then?" Noah hissed, "For being gay?"
"I didn't say that!"
"Well you implied it!"
"Come on mate," Leon interjected, "She didn't mean it like that."
"Stop defending her!" Noah cried, "You're always defending her!"
Isabel blushed furiously, staring down at her hands and swallowing a retort. She didn't know what she had done but she felt rather insulted, even a punch to the stomach would have hurt less than this. This is why she chose to be invisible instead of suffering the consequences of friends. Now, at last, she had friends and one of them was picking an argument with her already.
"Look, I know you're upset." Leon said, observing him closely. "But Isabel didn't mean to aggravate you."
If Noah was a cartoon character, there would be visible steam gushing from his ears.
"She doesn't mean to do a lot of things!" Noah snapped, "She didn't mean to have her room trashed, she didn't mean to split Camille and Leon up, she didn't mean to be attacked twice, she didn't mean to crash the car that scarred your face!"
Isabel stood up, furious.
"How dare you!" She shrieked, "Are you kidding me?"
"Isabel-" Leon began.
"No!" She snapped, "All I ever do is allow people to treat me like shit all the time, talk to me like dirt. Little friendly Isabel is good for pushing around, isn't she?" She seethed. "I'm thankful Noah for your help when I've been down but how dare you blame me for Leon's scar, how dare you! You-You bastard!"
"Isabel!" Leon said soothingly, "Calm down!"
Tears were freely running down her cheeks.
"No," She choked, "I won't calm down! I don't know what I've done!"
"You're a damsel in distress who's desperate for everybody's attention!" Noah yelled.
"Stop it now Noah!" Leon said, a tone of warning in his voice. "Both of you, let it go."
Isabel never usually argued with anybody, it was a very rare occasion whenever it occurred. Now though, the words were leaving her mouth before she could even process it.
"No wonder Christopher left you!" She snapped, "You're ungrateful for what you have, you fight over something stupid rather than your family or boyfriend! You push everybody away and now, you've pushed me. And consider me gone." She released another sob. "Just admit your true feelings Noah." She paused, staring at him pointedly through glassy eyes. "I know."

Leon Walker, 6:37 PM
Isabel had stormed out shortly after the argument with Noah and part of him wanted to chase after her but another part - the larger part - wanted to know what it was with Noah that caused him to blow. How could he say all of that to her? Didn't he understand how fragile she was? Instead of yelling at his best friend in frustration, he was trying to remain calm. Trying, of course, however it was fairly difficult.
They were now in Leon's room, Noah perched on the bed and Leon lounging across the ground. The song Yellow Submarine was blasting from the speakers, dulling the awkward silence. They'd barely spoken since Isabel had left. Mrs Walker had heard all the commotion, storming in and gasping as the door slammed behind Isabel.
"What the hell was that about?" She snapped, glancing accusingly at her son.
"Don't look at me!" He protested innocently, "It was between Noah and Isabel, I don't even know how it started!"
Her stern gaze switched to Noah.
"What happened?"
Noah gulped, now half-furious and ashamed.
"She said I should apologize for being gay."
Leon bit his tongue.
"Are you sure she meant it that way? It doesn't sound like Isabel." Mrs Walker asked, sounding rather skeptic.
Hopeful, Leon tried to catch his Mother's eye. And, at last, when their eyes met; he hoped she'd be able to figure out - with their mother and son connection - that Isabel was not to blame. However, it obviously didn't work because then she said:
"Silly girl. I guess her Mother is the only one to blame."
"Mother?" Leon said, at last. "Why's that? I mean, I know she was depressed and well..."
The thought of Isabel's Mother alive haunted him everyday, he winced in reminder of what happened and how he was partly to blame.
Mrs Walker softened.
"She was a ghastly woman," Mrs Walker said slowly, "Really awful. She drank a lot, took a lot of drugs. Her Husband was a nice man but troubled. Died of a drug overdose."
Leon froze.
"I thought it was a heart attack?"
Again, Mrs Walker softened like butter beneath the heat of the microwave and then settled a stern gaze back to Noah who cringed under it.
"That's what her Mother told her, I suppose." She sighed sadly, "However, he unfortunately died of a drug overdose. Don't mention that to Isabel though. She doesn't need to know. If she ever happens to find out, I'd rather her family told her than either of you."
"But anyway, her Mother's vile. Especially after what Isabel said she used to make her own daughter do."
Both the boys watched her, eyes expectant and curious. She still looked stern yet it was intermingled with her compassion and sadness.
"What?" Noah said after a while. "What did she make Isabel do?"
"Isabel told me in confidence." Mrs Walker said, "So none of you shall let her know that I told either of you. Hopefully though, you'll be able to cut her some slack-" She looked at Noah then, "She isn't a bad kid. With the parents she had, she's done well to survive."
So Mrs Walker told them both about Isabel's shoplifting and all the other awful stuff in between. Leon glanced at Noah while she told them both, examining his expression. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. He leant over and slapped his back a few times, smiling at him in a hopefully 'everything will be okay' expression. However, it probably just looked extremely awkward.
Afterward, all was silent.
"Shall we apologize?" Noah asked, watching Leon closely.
Leon rolled his eyes.
"I didn't do anything!" He protested, "You're the one who needs to apologize."
Noah gulped and rose to his feet, his guilt obviously increasing.

Isabel Newton, 7:13 PM
The decision was made. Aunt Janet had just left with a smile on her face despite Isabel's secret quick-paced heartbeat causing her brow to sweat. Her fingers were bloody and she wiped them on yesterday's clothes, now dressed in the pyjamas Mrs Walker had bought her a few days ago. She was surprised to find that none of her clothes had been shredded or drenched in red paint. However, her mind still lingered to Noah. He was hurt, that much was understandable except that it wasn't her fault he had been broken up with.
She didn't mean to have her room trashed, she didn't mean to split Camille and Leon up, she didn't mean to be attacked twice, she didn't mean to crash the car that scarred your face...
Another tear rolled down her cheek and, absent-mindedly, she began to scratch her thumbs once more.
A knock interrupted her strange coping technique. Flinching, she shakily stood and headed to the looming door.
"Isabel, I'm sorry."
She swung the door open. There stood Noah with Leon shifting awkwardly behind him. A strong emotion urged her to shut the door on both of their faces but she did no such things. Watching them both expectantly, Leon coughed and nudged Noah forward with his foot.
"I'm really sorry," Noah said, "All those horrible things I said...are you okay?"
"My Aunt has just visited." She whispered, "I-I'm moving. I'm going to Pennsylvania."
Leon gasped and stepped forward.
"Isabel, please, no-"
"I can't change my mind now." She cried, glaring at Noah. "As you said, I've ruined so many things. I don't want to be responsible for anything else."
"Don't be stupid-" Leon hissed.
"I'm not stupid!" She spat back, "I'm going. There is nothing left for me here."

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