Chapter 20: New Reflection

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Isabel Newton, 7:12 AM
The mild sound of voices awoke Isabel from her sleepless bliss, eyes gradually beginning to open despite the night dust that had settled there. Never had Isabel slept so peacefully before, calm and at bay, no longer awaiting the sound of her Mother's cries again from the kitchen. Even at the group home, she'd often lie there, waiting for a fight to start or another person to break in her room and trash it to smithereens. It was paranoia, she knew that but sometimes she'd often mistake it for her gut instinct, warning her away from potential threats. Sighing, her mind protested against the thought of getting ready but she did it anyway, staring at her reflection in the mirror.
Her limp, brown hair hung below her chin, a solemn boring colour that darkened the sharp contours of her pale cheekbones. Unfortunately, others would still assume she was a couple of years younger than she was. That was why she resolved with make-up except she hadn't got the skills to apply it properly, always messing it up with thick smudges below her eyes.
Isabel noticed the dangerous thinness of her face, prodding her cheeks like she had a week ago. She'd never got to know the date of her Mother's funeral, not that it mattered considering only she would turn up. Isabel would consider herself a kind, calm and relaxed person; she never usually judged anyone or stereotyped them. She was forgiving. But Meredith had destroyed any memories of Isabel's childhood, shattering them with the wrath of her existence.
She changed into the clothes Mel had supplied, pushing away any thoughts of her Mother from her head. The thirteen year old's clothes Isabel were dressed in seemed pretty stylish for a girl that apparently was in door all day, reading. Isabel expected Kelly had bought them for her.
The second time that Isabel looked in the mirror, she decided, a rather unpremeditated decision, to dye her hair.
A bold and daring colour. It would help her stand out. And best of all? Leon might like it.
She grinned to herself with this new idea planted in her head. Smiling, she skipped downstairs to the kitchen.

Leon Walker, 7:14 AM
Unfortunately, Leon wasn't in the mood for even small talk as he sat there, staring deep into his bowl of lucky charms. He desperately craved for them to swallow him up so he could gradually dissolve into nothingness, even the thought of his bandage being removed caused an overwhelming churn of sickness to settle in his stomach. When Isabel came down the stairs; the mood, however, did lighten somewhat. A grin swept across her lips, something sparkling their in her chocolate brown eyes.
Although, he felt that usual flutter of his breath when he saw her, any positive feelings were replaced with fear and dread of what was yet to come. Mom had allowed him to have the day off from school to avoid any hastle. Leon suspected it was because she pitied him and with Kelly's obsession with good education, she pitied him a lot. He continued to conjure up how his face would appear behind the bandage, trying to picture the best possible outcome. But in reality, he knew his face wouldn't be the same as it was before. And with strong upset, he absorbed it, swallowed it and forced it to sink in. It took no toll.
"No school today then?" Isabel asked, smiling at him.
Mel followed behind, book in hand, not bothering to speak as she drowned in the background, her presence quickly forgotten. Isabel politely sidled from her path as she reached for the pop tarts kept in the top cupboard.
"Doctor's appointment, remember?" Leon sighed, holding his head in his hands.
Through the slits of his fingers pressed against his face, he noticed Isabel's expression change.
"I hope it all goes well, Leon." She said, smiling calmly. "I doubt it will be a major difference than before."
"Let's hope not."

Noah Bain, 7:25 AM
The morning had began with toast, baked beans and tea. This was different from his home - house, he now refused to call it home - where Ryan was often still in bed and Mr Bain had gone away to work already. With nothing but silence as a continuous companion, Noah had loped about the house with his mug of hot chocolate while draping on clothes and combing his fuzzy black hair with a wide-toothed comb. Now, however, he felt relaxed and chilled, reclining back in his chair with feet on the table. His Mom was hunched over the counter, scrubbing it with a sponge along with a bucket of soapy water beside her left elbow. Occasionally, she'd turn to talk to Noah, catch up. With mug in hand, she'd sip it and pretend it was coffee. In reality? It was brandy.
"Are you sure walking to school won't tire your bones? I'd rather drive you, it's quicker." Teresa insisted, smiling at him with yellow stained teeth.
Noah almost laughed. There was no way in hell he was going to climb into a car with his Mother who would possibly cause another accident which he wasn't willing to get involved in. Swallowing the laughter, he just shook his head instead.
"It's alright, Mom." He assured her, "I need the exercise."
If he had any chance of arriving at school in time, he'd need to leave now. Pushing his chair back as his Mom grudgingly said goodbye; he set out with the same clothes he wore yesterday.

Our Beautiful Tragedy [#Wattys2015]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora