Chapter 4

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Y/n: hello?
???:Ms.y/n th-there was an accident and then BOOM
Y/n: WHAT!?! if this is a prank call I will track yo-
???: gimme the phone, you idiot-
Y/n: Sam is that chu wassup!
Sam: nothing just broke one of my legs. Didn't u check my Snapchat story!?
Y/n:*proceeding*... YOU WHAT!?!
Sam: come to HH hospital! Then I'll tell you the tale of one leged
~~~at the hospital
Receptionist: zzzzz
Y/n: hello ummm excuse me!
Receptionist: welcome! What would you like to order?
Y/n: I'm looking for Sam
Receptionist: one Sam and?
Y/n: what?
Receptionist: what?
Y/n: I'm looking for Sam Dong
Receptionist: ah yes yes room 24
~~~ room 24
???: I can't *sob* believe *sob* you survived*sob*!
Sam: noona I just broke one of my legs plus now I can ask for a leave from work!
Sam: come in pls
Y/n: what the hell did you do?
Sam: geez I'm fine too
Y/n: tell me what happened?
???: Who are you?
Y/n: no who are YOU?
Sam: meet my big sis-noona- I mean Unbyeol. Noona she is the one you called moments ago
Unbyeol: oh the manager!
Y/n: nice to meet you!
Unbyeol: nice to meet y-
Sam: ok enough introductions- let's spill the tea-*smack*owww
Unbyeol: where are your manners?
Sam: sorry
Y/n: ok enough TELL ME THE TEA BISH! I'm dying to know
Sam: ok so you told me to keep an eye on those idiots
Y/n: they are 'sir' for you
Y/n: and then?
Sam: *chuckle* so everything was going fine so I decided to come back
Y/n: uh huh uh huh...
Sam: the moment I sat in the car BOOM!!
Y/n: *flinch* you didn't have to do that *smack*
Sam:  A car crashed into mine. So here's the mysterious part- just moments before I was going unconscious I saw someone come out of the other car. They were talking on the phone and seemed completely fine. They ran away before anyone came to help me and it was like the whole accident was planned beforehand.
Y/n: should we look into this?
Sam: I guess?...
Y/n: ok you take care I have to go back to work
Sam: byeee
~~~at 'work'
RM: where were you?
Y/n: apparently our little Sammy broke his leg
Jh: he's always doing stuff like that could hurt him
Y/n: no this time he didn't have any excuse. His explanation was...weird?
RM: weird?

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