Chapter 5

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RM: weird?
After all the explanation~~
Suga: who would want Sam dead?
Y/n: hey that's mean
Jh: so he said it was all planned?
Y/n: ya he said so...
Jk: should we look into this?
Y/n: you don't need to stress yourself my team will handle it but in the end if it turned out to be an accident it will be embarrassing so it'll be a small investigation and if it turned out to be something suspicious well let the police handle it...
~~~the next day
Sam entered the office on a wheelchair with a woman 2 or 3 years younger than y/n to be exact
Sam: good morning miss
Y/n: Sam? Aren't you supposed to be resting at your house?
Sam: I know
Y/n: sooo....?
Sam: I came here to ask you to give me one more month as leave
Y/n: do you even require these many months to recover?
Sam: yes mam and you have to give me this leave its not like I get these opportunities often
Y/n: ok fine here- BTW is she your nurse?
Sam: no mam. You know how much I care for you and IDK how you will manage your work without an assistant this great like me so I already arranged temporary assistance for you
Y/n: temporary assistant- I can handle myself
Sam: oh really? Where are the xXx documents?
You open the right drawer
Y/n: here!
Sam: I can clearly see that you can't handle yourself without me. It's in the left drawer
You look at the drawer you opened and saw staples
Y/n: yeah whatever...
Sam: but you don't need to worry because your assistant has already told her about all your routine and other things. You can interview her if you want
Y/n: ok I will. Is she ready for an interview cause I'm  free right now
Girl: yes I'm ready for an interview
Sam: ok you so you do your job I'm leaving now bye-bye
Y/n: Sam!
Sam: yes?
Y/n: thanks!
Sam: you're always welcome
~~~ it's just you and the girl now
Y/n: you know... you look quite familiar
Girl: do I? That's strange.
Y/n: yeah... it is...

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