🛹🏳️‍🌈🤕 chapter two 🤕🏳️‍🌈🛹

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Osamu POV

Tsumu and I went our separate ways once we got to school. "Hey!" Shirabu said coming up to me and giving me a hug. "Hey guys." I said greeting everyone. "Hey!" The rest of them said. "So how does it feel to have to watch our backs more, since the quote, unquote 'bad boys' are back." Sakusa said trying to start up a conversation. "Well I don't know, but like Samu's pretty much safe, since his brother is one and all." Akaashi said answering first. "True, but like maybe we should fight back since we know how to." Suga suggested, and as if on cue. "Why hello there you 7, how are you guys today." One of them said, in all honesty he looked like a fox. "Go away." I said in my softer voice, already starting to shake slightly. "Huh, you don't speak to us like that, we are better then you and you should know that." The fox looking person said right in my face while holding my chin up with his fingers. "Says the person that got suspended for three months." I quietly said back. Before I knew it I got a slap to the face from the fox person. "HEY, WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" Shirabu yelled, making me flinch. "Don't yell at me." The fox person said in a stone cold voice. Before he could slap Shirabu in the face. Shirabu grabbed my hand and stormed off with me the others following.

Suna's POV

I was the first of us to get to school, about five minutes later Kuroo and Bokuto showed up. "Hey Hey Hey!!" Bokuto yelled. "Hey guys, it's been so long." I said in a bored sounding voice. "Yeah it has, hasn't it." Kuroo said in a calm voice, a smirk resting on his face. "Hey you know those nerds that sit there, a bit later why don't we say hello to them?" I said as I visibly smirked. The other two nodded.

About an hour later all of them had showed up. "Come on, there all there." I said as I started walking up to them, while Bokuto and Kuroo followed me.
"Why hello there you 7, how are you guys today." I said playfully, inspecting all of them. While doing that I noticed that one of them looks exactly like Atsumu but with grey hair and glasses, but I just brushed it off. "Go away." The Atsumu looking guy said in a very soft voice that I almost didn't hear it. "Huh, you don't speak to us like that, we are better then you and you should know that." I said bitterly while lifting his chin up with my fingers, getting in his face. "Says the one who got suspended for three months." He said in that soft voice again but it was quieter then before, so I almost didn't hear him, even though I was so close to his face. But what he said pissed me off and before I new it, I had slapped him across the face. Hard. "HEY, WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" Kenjiro my annoying cousin yelled at me. "Don't yell at me." I said in my coldest voice. I raised my hand to slap kenji across the face, but before I could he grabbed the grey haired Atsumu by the hand and ran off, the others close behind. "I'm gonna go follow them you guys go find the others or something. But don't tell them what I did ok." They both nodded and left. I started walking in the direction kenji dragged them in, it lead to a bathroom, and of course I heard voices. I immediately recognised kenji's voice because of how salty and pissed it sounded and I assumed the soft voice was that grey haired Atsumu.

I was just listening to there conversation when all of sudden I heard something that made me freeze in place. The guy that I slapped was Atsumu's... twin.
Atsumu's always said how protective he is over the things and people he love, but I didn't know he had a twin, so dang I'm screwed.

No ones POV

"THAT BITCH!" Shirabu yelled as he pushes the bathroom door open. "Anyone in here?" Iwaizumi said not getting a response. "Of course there's no one in here since no one goes to the bathroom before class." Shirabu said very pissed. "You ok." Kenma said looking at Osamu for a second then going back to his game. "Ahhhh Yeah." Osamu said still a bit shaken up. "Oh my god, you have a handprint on your face. Are you sure you are ok." Suga said worried.(parent in stinks kicking in) "it looks like it's gonna bruise." Sakusa said as calm as ever. "Shit, of course it's gonna bruise." Osamu said a bit worried on how his brother is going to react. "Well at least your glasses didn't break." Akaashi said looking on the bright side of things. Osamu hummed and nodded his head. "I swear I'm going to kill that fox brat." Iwaizumi said starting to get a bit pissed. "Well you have the biceps to do so." Shirabu and Suga said at the same time easing the tension. "But hey, at least you have a twin to kill him right, what was his name..." Sakusa said trying to cheer up Osamu but failing since Osamu counted with a. "That's the thing Atsumu and the fox are in the same friend group. I've seen them all before."  "Shit." They all said in unison.

For the next few minutes they talked about random shit. Until the bell rang, they went there separate ways and headed to class. Osamu was still a bit scared about how his brothers gonna react as he entered the classroom with Sakusa right behind him.

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