Chapter 1: A dream and the Past

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" And in those times of trouble, when you are most alone, the MEMORIES of LOVE will bring you home..." - Perhaps Love by John Denver

Jessica Porter: " You s***! You destroyed everything! I'm going to kill you! I may have to torture you! You b***h!

And as Jessica's knuckles landed on her jaw, Mathea was awakened. It was only a dream... Cold and shaking, she rose up, holding her shirt to her chest to cover her nakedness and eventually sliding it on her body. She went to the window to shake the dream off her mind. And looking over the bed, Lee is peacefully sleeping. The moon is hovering the canopies and casts beautiful silhouettes on the river running by while fireflies are like stars that are shattered fom the heavens.

"Are we in-love now? Or am I just a diversion? Would it actually matter if he loves me or not? What's important is to destroy him and Jessica... But what if it is myself that I destroyed? Is this the price of the love i have for him?"

"Can you ever be... the Lee that i knew? Do i know you now the way i have known you then?"

She looked over the window again and saw two children splashing water at each other...The boy is Lee Brandan Grinwalsch and the girl's name is Mathea Del sol... no, they are not in that river... they are not any where near that secret cabin... They belong to Isla Corazon...

The party has to start but the celebrant is not any where to be found. Her best friend, a tall and beginning to be slightly muscular boy, knows exactly where she could have gone. He walked out the door discreetly and run to their spot.

She breaths in and breaths out, her eyes closed, as she utters a prayers. And as she opens her eyes,  she smiled. In here she can see the curves of Isla Corazon. Its powdery white-sand beaches, the lush greens contrasting it, the wide spotless horizon and its magnificent sunset turning the skies  pink, red, orange, yellow that will turn to purply dark. No place in the world can be as beautiful as this island.

Lee: I know i can find you here!

Mathea: You startled me...

Lee:I'm sorry but someone has to go home now so her party can start

Mathea: I know... i just wanted to be alone to pray. This spot is just so perfect. No one can disturb us here

Lee i was actually planning to bring in a tent

Mathea: Don't you dare... Someone might notice. This is our spot! 

Lee: Okay! Okay! Now can we go/

Mathea step down from that spot in one of the hills surrounding Isla Corazon. Lee held her hands so she won't slip. 

Mathea: "I can"t believe, I am 15. And i still look fresh from kindergarten. Girls in school are starting to wear make-up, while here i am, still going to school with bodyguards. My hair still in pig tails. My braces still glistens when i talk. "

Lee: Maturity happens in the mind Math. You don't have to look like it. Let them do it, its against the school rules. Maturity doesn't equate with having to go to detention just to look cool."

Mathea: Aren't you bored with me Lee? I don't want you getting stuck with me. Go live a normal life...

Lee: When did being the daughter of the island town Mayor became abnormal?

Mathea: When a dork like me was born...

Lee: Math, you don't have to fit inn the crowd to be normal or feel normal...give yourself a credit. No ones gonna give you confidence and esteem but yourself. As long as you're doing what's right, nothing is wrong and will go wrong with you.

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