Chapter 2: A Night NOT to Remember

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Mathea, Lee and Aidan woke-up late the next morning. Lee slept-over at the Del Sols. His Mom went out with Mathea's Aunt, Isabella, after the party. 

Mathea decided to cook for the boys. They are waiting at the dining room and she came in just a few minutes with their pancakes.

Lee: What happened to your hands?

He noticed that her left hand has bondage.

Mathea: Burn...

Aidan: Is the kitchen still there?

Mathea: Fortunately i didn't burned it down.You jerk! "thank you for cooking my breakfast" will suffice

Aidan just chuckled. He eats while Lee checks on Mathea's hands. And it seems just too cheesy for Aidan.

Aidan: Why don't we go around town after this. Do you have something to do Lee?

Lee: No but i have to check on Mom first.

Just then Isabella walked into the dining room too. She is rubbing her head.

Aidan: Drunk again last night MOm?

Isabella: Not much its just that there is this drink that is strong.. I don't think i have ever tried anything like it before.

Lee: And my mom Aunt... did she tried it?

Isabella: your Mom is a very reserved drinker... But she got a little tipsy too... I can tell because later last night she started talking a lot and laughs and laughs. Don't get me wrong son... i enjoyed her company... really...

Lee: Is she home?

Isabella: Yeah i walked her to the door. She's probably still sleeping. If you guys have a plan to go somewhere, go on...

Mathea: There's a bazaar in the next beach, want to check it out?

Aidan: Alright let's go! Lee?

Lee: Mmmmmm... i think... i should go home first...

Isabella: you're Mom is okay... go and enjoy the day. Tomorrow you'll be back to school...

Aidan: yeah... come on... 

lee: Okay..Okay...

Aidan: I can lend you a shirt if that bothers you...

Lee: No its fine. I don't think I'm stinky yet...

While Mathea's parents are out for a social function, the three of them went gallivanting around town. They tried almost all of the food being sampled in the beach next to their town. There's a private beach resort that has just opened there hence the festivities. They went to the local town center and shop for new notebooks and books they would need for the semester opening the next day. Aidan is to enroll too. At 7:00PM they watched a free concert in the same beach they've been to. They met the resort owner's daughter, Blake Vanderwoods, but its obvious that while she has a dislike for Mathea, she openly flirts with Aidan and Lee.

They got home an hour before midnight.  Lee went straight home while Mathea and Aidan are met inn the living room by Ernesto and Pia Del Sol...

Ernesto: Kids, i know you are just making the most out of today because tomorrow you will be reporting at Horizon University but at this time of the nigt, you really got us worried.

Isabella: Oh come on brother! You haven't changed...

Ernesto: And you too... But I am done with you. I could never let little things like this pass me by. I don't want my daughter to grow up like you...

Isabella: There is no winning against you. Good night guys...

She left shaking her head in disagreement with her older brother.

Mathea: I'm sorry Dad. We just enjoyed so much and never paid attention to time.

Ernesto: More than the time I am more concerned with your safety. Violence and rambles often happens in those kind of events.

Aidan: We're sorry Uncle. We haven't thought of that.

Ernesto: This is the first time you didn't asked our permission and This will be the last time you'll be this late... Math...

Mathea: I understand Dad.

Pia: Now the of two go to your rooms and sleep. You must be early for the enrollment tomorrow, 

Mathea kissed her parents and she and Aidan went to their rooms. Just as Pia is about to close their front door, Lee came rushing in... almost breathless, his face washed with tears. He fell on his knees...

Lee: Help! Please help! My mother! Please!

Pia: What happened to Lyza?

Ernesto didn't waste time.  He picked up Lee from where he knelt and rushed outside to their house which is three houses across the street where the Villa Del Sol stands. There he saw Lyza, lying on the couch, she seems sleeping but vomit and bodily fluids were spilled on her clothes from her mouth and nostrils.

Still Ernesto tried to give her CPR. But to no avail. 

Pia is at the door, holding Lee in her arms though he is taller than her. He can't stop crying.

Ernesto: Honey, call for an ambulance...

Pia obeyed.  Ernesto tried to check Lyza's pulse again.

But he thinks Lyza is dead...

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