Chapter 3: Slipping Away

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A week after Lyza was buried, a lady came to the island and lived with Lee. She claims to be his father's manager and that aside from his grandmother, there is no one left to foster Lee. She said that she only came there to fetch him and that his papers for migration to the US, to be with his grandmother, is being processed.

He never spoke to Mathea, the way he does before. He is always aloof to them and how he feels towards them becomes vague and vaguer. though Mathea tries her best to comfort him or to extract what he is feeling or thinking, it is to no avail. Lee is as dead as his mother.

Mathea find it hard to take it in too. Lee stopped going to school and could only wish that his papers be approved. This made Mathea disconnected too in school. she doesn't go well with anyone too and without the popular Lee on her side, she gets easily bullied. She found it hard to make friends... being the daughter of the Mayor. She now realizes that school is only fun with her bestfriend beside her. And Lyza's death changed everything for her. Aidan, on the other hand tries his best to fulfill the role that Lee left to her. He, being also handsome and witty in his own way, easily became popular in school. And due to his activities,school clubs and varsity practices, he only catches on Mathea during recess and after school. She is always alone during school hours. And she doesn't seem to bother. Soon enough, she got poor grades. Reason why Pia, her mom was called to the principal's office.

Principal Vera: If its not problem at home Mrs. Del Sol then maybe you're right... there is no other reason for this but a kind of separation anxiety... because her best friend stopped talking to  her. Its just unique that she is so much affected in this manner.

Pia Del Sol: She is our only child and her, being the daughter of her father all the more made her feel awkward about herself. She feels that it doesn't made her ordinary and therefore is always out of place. She grew up protected with Lee's presence. She feels she is comfortable with the world around her if he is beside him. I don't know what term it is in psychology, should there be one for this kind, maybe like... Lee is her security blanket. But then the death of his mother changed him and so Mathea also found it hard that he is never there anymore.

Principal Vera: That's why we called on you First Lady, we will work hand in hand to address Mathea's difficulty. I will make sure that no one in this school will do her further harm or make her feel more out of place and oblivious. I promised that when i became the principal, i would make this school as holistic as possible.

Pia Del Sol: Thank you very much for lending your precious time to help my daughter Ms, Vera... i will do my best also, in my end, to help my daughter. 

Principal Vera: Teenage problems are limitless... thank goodness i am used to them! As i have said what's important is that the school, being their second home, will be able to help them too...

The two ladies shook hands and Pia left the office to look for her daughter so they can come home. But Mathea went ahead, Aidan fetched her from the nearby coffee shop; after hearing that Blake Vanderwoods made fun of her and spilled a glass of strawberry milkshake on her. Mathea went there to comfort herself, because that day, after a month since Lyza's death, Lee is leaving to the US. 

That morning before going to school, she saw that vans are parked on Lee's house's driveway and that some luggages are being loaded on them. She knew that Lee is leaving for good. His Aunt Irene is directing the movers which luggage are to be loaded to which van. she can not take it off her mind the whole day through, so after class, she went to the said cafe to comfort her broken heart with a strawberry milkshake and a slice of chocolate cake.  Then Blake came and added to her misery. 

Still shaken by what happened, Mathea didn't notice that Aidan didn't take her directly home. After paying the cab driver, Aidan took her hands and pulled her out of the cab... pulled her up a pathway along grasses and vegetation until she found herself gazing over the stretch of beach, meters beneath her feet. She is now standing again in the spot she only shares with Lee, in that hill overlooking the white beach stretch of that side of Isla Corazon.

Mathea: How do you know this place?

Aidan: I followed you once... i know no one is invited here but your best friend...But... i just want to bring you here in hope being here will make you feel better...Math... I am doing my best to replace him... it hurts me to see you destroying yourself over someone who is being unreasonable and just wants to shut you out of his life...

Mathea: What do you care...

Aidan: I care because... because...i look at you more than just a cousin should...i feel for you not as a cousin Math... its way more than that ... i like you... like a boy would like a girl...

Mathea bursted in tears... 

Mathea: NO! No one is ever gonna be Lee!

She turned her back on him to face the horizon then closed her eyes as tears rolled down to her cheeks.

Mathea: Please come back Lee.. Please come back to me...

And then she felt a warm hand over her left hand where the scar, which turned into a heart shaped one, is. Each fingers intertwined with hers. 

She opened her eyes and looked over her left.

It is NOT Lee...

Aidan: You are in-love with your best friend Math... This is all what your confusion is about. You love Lee, more than a best friend should. And i could never ever equate to that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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