2 years latter

23 0 0

Two years had past, from that morning I shall never forget. That exact night two years later, it was back. I soon grabbed my revolver, and went after it. It went in the woods, I followed it. I saw it zipping through the trees, "Damn it, its to fast for me to get a right ame on it!" I said under my breath. Then it dashed straight down a tube that lead down, I followed it of cours. I could barly see any thing, I caould only see what the moon light reflected. There was blood and raw meat every where, the smell of blood and raw meat made me rember that morning. I almost throwed-up. I walked around, squishing noises where made under my feet as I walked around. Then, something hit me and I was out...

my encounterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon