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After tonight's news

The smugglers whom we caught Didn't saw the news. we Didn't even let anyone meet them.

Everyone is shocked after the news...everyone is talking about Yoongi.

There is a protest against Court and for Yoongi They want Court  to set him free

You finally let out a sigh

Your p.o.v

Finally,  at least something is going right.

End of Your p.o.v

Court hearing day

Everyone already knows about the whole video thing, and how he is completely innocent.

And the greatest thing is,  two people from the smugglers confessed how they kidnapped Mia's brother and killed both of It's crystal clear right now.

The Court set Yoongi free from his previous charges, But as he broke the law, the court fined him

But guess what? He demanded compensation for these two years he spent in prison.

He actually got money for that... Cool right?

You warmly welcomed him.

You: Welcome back!

Yoongi: Thank you so much

He hugged you....which was unexpected for you. But you gladly hugged him back.

Yoongi: Without you, it was impossible to do all these things...I'm forever-

You: Don't even finish that sentence Mr.Smartass! I thought we were friends!

Yoongi:I guess so?

You:You...You'll never change!

Yoongi:but one thing... We Still Don't know...was the plane crash an accident or a planned murder

You:who knows....but at least we  finished the work Xiumin and Your brother started


After  1 year.........

You placed the flowers on Xiumin's Grave.....and looked beside yourself. Yoongi was sitting on the ground beside you...after he placed the flowers on his Brother's grave

Yoongi: They are proud of us, right?

You: Yes

Yoongi: I wish they were alive...with us

You: Then I wouldn't get an amazing cat-looking Mr.Smartass as my best friend!

You hugged him there and he fell to the ground

Yoongi:Yah Don't hug me-

"I Don't like hugs" you mocked him

He gave you his famous so-done look.

You:Let's go now?

Yoongi:wait... I need to go to another place

You:can I come too?

Yoongi:of course

You noticed he's walking deeper in the Graveyard...  He still has two flower bouquets

Yoongi stopped in front of another grave which has the name "Choi Mia"

He placed that bouquet There and placed another one on Mia's brother's grave

Yoongi:I never hated you Mia...hope You're fine up there

You placed your hand on his shoulder

You:She's watching us, Don't cry Cat boy

Yoongi:I'm not crying

You:okay...whatever, I just tried to sound nice

Yoongi:Let's go

He stood up

You left the graveyard.

You  and Yoongi became great friends, you both Don't know each other for that long but it wasn't a barrier in your friendship.

You guys got your trust in each other when you were complete strangers...... got the support you guys needed when you were complete strangers.

Got A shoulder to lean on when you just met each other. came to know each Other's secrets, when you Didn't know each other

Sometimes a stranger can be your best friend, sometimes a stranger can change your whole life, not every time You'll get betrayed by trusting people so easily.

Not every relationship ends with romantic feelings💜

Ohemjxdbj I finished this 😐😐....hope you liked it- nevermind akxnksxbzo

The End

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