Chapter 6

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Tommy and Tubbo stood besides each other, trying to hide how nervous they both felt. The tournament was to be done in pairs, and they were to fight until the last pair was left standing. A spell was cast on the arena so that when a person had sustained a certain amount of damage they were teleported out of the ring.

Tommy reached up to touch his shoulder that he injured earlier when he was sparring with George. The guy was actually really good with an axe, and he also healed Tommy shoulder after they fought. Is there nothing the guy couldn't do? Tommy wondered. George had even given the boys a strategy to help them win.

The duo looked at each other and Tubbo reached out for Tommy's hand, then they walked out into the arena. They spotted George, Wilbur, Niki, and Sapnap in the stands cheering for them, and flashed the group a smile.

"You ready Big man?" Tommy asked Tubbo.

Tubbo nodded at Tommy, "Let's do this!"


"I do not like this plan King Techno," Myra said with a frown.

"I'm sorry my Lady, but you are outnumbered here, both King Philza and Queen Vivian have agreed to my plans," Techno responded.

Myra bit her lip, George is not gonna be happy about this.

"Now that it's settled, shall we go watch the last match unfold. I have to present the prize to the winners before our special event." Techno said as he got up. The three others followed behind him, and Karl was quick to stand by Myra's side when he saw her.

"My Lady are you alright? You don't look very happy." he asked, voice filled with concern.

"I'm not," she answered with a frown.


Back at the arena, Wilbur noticed how Niki was nervously rubbing her hands together.

"They'll be alright Niki, you have nothing to worry about." He assured his friend.

"I don't know Wil," she stated as she looked at all the kids in the arena. There had to be more then a 100 of them. "They've got to fight this many people..."

"George believes that they can win, so they will."

"How can you be so sure?" She asked.

"George has rarely been wrong. The man has the gift of foresight, and seeing the potential in people." Wilbur declared confidently.

"All kids get ready!" The announcer yelled. "This will be the last match of the day folks, you do not want to miss it."

Tommy and Tubbo looked up to the stands once more, and saw George give then a nod. They both took in deep breaths, then Tommy pulled out his axe while Tubbo concentrated all his magic into his palms.

Focus on one target before moving to another. Tubbo repeated George's words in his head like a mantra, he chose specific locations where he saw the other kids cluster. Ten target areas, control the output, Tubbo reminded himself.

The other kids were bunching up together forming ten large groups, they were going to work together until only their group remained. Then it would be every pair for themselves. The ten large groups were quick to notice the two lone boys, and they all silently agreed to take them down first. They all prepared to charge as they awaited for the announcer to signal them to start.

"And Go!" the announcer's voice boomed, but before any of the groups could move 10 lightning bolts struck each of the groups right at the center of their clusters, taking out more then half of them. The kids all turned their attention to the two boys. Tommy was standing protectively in front of Tubbo, while the other was preparing another large spell.

"What kind of spell was that! No one has ever done a multi target spell before, this is history in the making folks!" The announcer exclaimed, and the crowd went wild with cheers.

The other kids were quick to rush towards the pair, "Tommy I need more time," Tubbo exclaimed as he tried to focus all his magic into his palms.

"Don't worry I got this!" Tommy said as he charged forward.

After training with Wilbur and George, the other kids' attacks looked like they moved in slow motion. He dodged and swung his axe, taking out nearly a third of them.

"Tommy!" Tubbo yelled.

"Do it Tubbo!" Tommy yelled as he dove to the ground. The other kids were caught by surprise, as an electric beam shot out of Tubbo's hands and swept across the arena, taking out every single one of them.

The duo gave each other a high five, "Pogchamp!" they screamed as the crowd went crazy.

"And just like that it's over folks, what an amazing strategy and not to mention those two impossible spells, that was quite a show!" The announcer said.

They were ushered to the podium where the King of Ragnor presented them with medals, and enough money to feed their village for half the year. The two boys hugged each other, then turned their attention to the stands where their friend were cheering. They both held up their medals to show George, who grinned and gave them a thumbs up.


Dream had been watching the whole battle in awe from the shadows. He heard the announcer say something about the two spells that mage used, something about them being impossible. They weren't though, just really difficult. Dream had seen someone else do it multiple times before. How did this kid learn the technique. There was no way that he learned it by himself, so who taught him?

Dream watched as the duo held up their medals to someone in the audience. He followed their gaze then felt his heart ache, and his breath hitch in his throat.


He looked exactly as the blonde remembered. The same brown eyes that would twinkle when he was excited, the same soft brown hair that glowed in the light, the same bright smile that made time stop. He was so beautiful...

Dream tore his eyes away from the sight, as he felt the pain and loneliness that he had to deal with this past ten years build up in his chest. Dream looked back at the two boys, who were now heading away from the stage and walking towards the stands. The blonde was talking about something in an excited manner, while the brunette listened and laughed from time to time.

In those two boys Dream saw his past self, him talking about the most random things, and the person who meant the world to him laughing and smiling by his side. Those days were now gone, he had messed up.

Dream's focus was then directed to the four rulers of Kiris, they seem to be discussing something on the stage. The queen of Mirth was clearly upset about something, and he noticed that she kept looking in the direction of the two boys. No, she was looking at her son. He also noticed Queen Vivian also looking in the opposite direction. Following her gaze his eyes landed on two very familiar men.

Skeppy and Bad, they are here too. Wait a minute...

Dream remembered how Techno had specifically wanted him to be in the arena before the special event. He turned his attention back to George, and spotted a familiar head of black hair besides him, on George's other side was someone that he recognized too. Wilbur and Sapnap, they were all here, but why?

Dream returned his curious gaze to Techno, What are you up to?

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