Lemon Flavoured Medicine

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oh my dear
you haven't aged a day since I last had the fortunate opportunity to ingest you!
your sweet taste filling my lungs with love and happiness;
your essence embraces my being within a warm blanket of intoxicating light

you are a drug

not a drug in the conventional
or unconventional
you are more
calpol than absynthe
paracetamol than ecstasy
medical morphine than heroin

having had experiences with many of earths pleasures
i know now that they come with a price


i know now that the forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest
the holiest of water
I also know that only the strongest can drink from the reservoir of life

and yet here you are

you were forbidden for a long time before I was allowed to inhale you
but when I did, I was besotted
stronger and more addictive than any illicit substance I have ever had the unfortunate opportunity to stumbled across
the euphoria i feel when breathing you in is


i thought i knew of addiction
but never have I experienced such a compelling high
never have I experienced such devastating withdrawals
never have I experienced something so great with little to no comedown

i feel as though even I,
a psychonaut
a quantum pioneer
am not strong enough
or worthy enough
to be even in the presence of your grace

you are my hero and my antihero
you saved me from my lows
but I crave your endless highs

you have changed me for the better
you have changed my life to a love letter
you have changed the world as a trend setter

the time is diminishing for when my face catches up to my liver and kidneys, my dear
it's the most basic form of irony that my time using inferior drugs
ex girlfriends
has declined my health so that I may not be able to live my life with the remedy that is curing me

but short and sweet is not a idiom that i would use to describe our remaining time together
it feels as though every waking moment i spend with you is clearing our path towards immortality

I love you
I love you so much
I take you as my daily prescription
I inject your antidote into my veins
I smoke you off the balcony of our mansion built brick my brick by our intimacy

I would do anything for you
my love
my life
my lemon flavoured medicine

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