Part 4 - Weres

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*weres : were humans, a human that can transform into an animal and has their characteristics of strength, speed, and sense. 


"You're in my chair" the Queen of Tallies enters her office, she's still wearing her riding pants and boots, long black hair tied in a ponytail.

"Well, you shouldn't have left it for too long" the princess said still focusing on her documents.

"Blame your brother for that. What are you doing here anyway?"

The weather's nice and Carissa should be out there having tea parties with the guests and yet she locked herself in Val's office doing the Queen's work for more days than they agree on.


"I see that but why?" Val's standing in front of the desk now.

"The annual horse race is around the corner and since you've no intention on backing out of the race, I need to organise the event myself"

"Um yeah..., I think I'll sit this one out"

"Oh" The race is in a week "I thought you went riding for practice" she looks at her attire.

"I was planning to, maybe my oestrus is near because the smell of horse made me sick, they've become more pungent, I can't even get close without vomiting" she said frustrated.

Carissa looks at Val's belly unconsciously and averted her gaze back to her files "Good idea, maybe you're pregnant" 

It wasn't after the silence bothers her that she realise what she just said. She looks up to a stunned looking face. Val looks at her own stomach slowly and blink multiple times. She seems confused and lost in thought, as if pregnancy is a new vocabulary. She still has no idea hasn't she? Carissa sigh internally, she didn't know whether she just helped or made things worse but right now she couldn't care less. she has a lot on her mind. 

"I didn't mean anything by that" she said quickly  "Here" she slammed a paper on top of a pile others, getting Val's attention "These needs your approval, I already reviewed them, you're welcome"

Val looks at her awkwardly while holding her stomach "Right, thanks"

Carissa stood up but before she could reach her, a knock on the door stop her feet and a feminine voice quickly follow "Excuse me, Your Highness, it's Dale"

Dale came into the room carrying another pile of documents  "Your Highness, Princess" she nods.

Gaining her composure, Val turns towards Dale. "What is it?"

"Madam B is waiting outside, she insisted to make you look proper for brunch" Dale looks at her apologetically.

Val sigh and dragged her feet towards the next hour getting dressed up. She stop in front of Dale and look at her silver armour in pain "Enjoy it while it last Commander" she said before going out of the room. 

After the door closes, Dale turns to Carissa who is now looking out the window. Carissa refused to meet her in the eyes ever since yesterday. Growing up as sisters for the past 15 years, Dale knows something's bothering her. Concerned, she moves closer and pokes Carissa's ticklish waist, only to get no response. Something is definitely wrong.

"You okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, ever since your birthday, you've been out of it and-"

"I'm perfectly fine" she cuts her off.

"'re not fooling anybody. I mean, look at your eyebrows, they're practically braided together"

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