(3) Twisted Tales Of A Tormentd Mind

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Twisted Tales Of A Tormented Mind

Chapter 3

Mathew waited until after two in the morning for Ben to come home but it didn't bother him. He was high on life and nothing could stop him now. Ben was wasted like usual and fell down on his bed without taking a shower or changing his clothes. Mathew was disgusted by this which only made him more excited about what he was going to do. Ben fell asleep immediately but Mathew waited a while, wanting to make sure that Ben was dreaming. When he was sure that the time was right, he closed his eyes and concentrated on Ben. He has never tried to infiltrate a specific dream but he was sure that he could do it.

He concentrated for a while and soon he felt himself being sucked in. He opened his eyes and found himself in a club. Mathew has been to clubs before but he didn't like them, he didn't like the things that happened in them. He looked around and saw Ben standing at the bar with a shot glass in his hand. Two pretty girls were standing with him, hanging onto his every word. The bartender put another round of shots in front of them so Ben downed the one he was holding and snatched up a new one, he continued to down all three and then grabbed a hold of the girls and started pulling them towards the exit.

Mathew didn't care to find out what Ben's fear was. It didn't matter since he wasn't planning on killing him, at least not yet anyway. He moved across the dance floor in a swift movement so that he was next to Ben.

"You're a bad person Ben and it's time to change. You need to stop drinking or it's going to kill you, you also need to stop using woman. You're going to pick up a disgusting disease from one of them if you keep on like this. But most of all you are going to realize that you like Mathew Sullivan. You like him so much that you are going to keep all his secrets and do exactly what he tells you to," Mathew whispered into Ben's ear. He planted the idea deep and firm not wanting to make any mistakes.

Mathew took a step back and watched as the expression on Ben's face change before he pulled himself out of the dream. He could feel himself move between the real and the created world of dreams and when he opened his eyes he was back in his dorm room, lying on his lumpy bed. His body was tingling just like the previous times but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered except for the fact that he was finally in control for the first time in his life. Soon Mathew fell into another dreamless sleep but this time it didn't bother him. He could have as many dreams as he wanted to after all.

The next morning when Mathew's alarm clock went off he was pleasantly surprised to see Ben already awake. He was sitting on his bed holding his head in his hands. He looked awful but it was still an improvement from being passed out.

"Morning Ben," Mathew said as he got out of bed. Ben looked up at him with a familiar expression on his face. It was the look he always wore before he would make an awful hurtful remark or attempt to hurt Mathew. Ben's mouth was about to open when his expression changed to one of care.

"Morning Mathew," he replied in a friendly voice.

Mathew could tell that the idea he had planted was taking affect and once again found himself feeling excited. His life was going to be better from now on, nobody was ever going to treat him like shit again. He walked over to his dresser, took out a pair of jeans and a t shirt and quickly got dressed. Next he went to the bathroom where he brushed his teeth, washed his face and combed his hair. Mathew didn't like being untidy, everything had its place and that's where it had to stay. He quickly rearranged everything in the bathroom so that it was neat and tidy and then took a look in the mirror.

He was ugly, probably the ugliest guy he has ever seen. He knew it but it still hurt when people told him he looked like a smurf or an alien. It still hurt when people made retarded jokes about him while they knew that he was cleverer then all of them put together. Even his own parents never failed to tell him how horrible he was. His mother even tried to sell him for drug money once. The thing is that nobody wanted to buy him, not even for a hundred dollars. He wasn't sure if that was a blessing or a curse. Maybe he would have been better off with another family, maybe he wouldn't have. It didn't matter, it was all in the past now and his future was looking bright.

Mathew pushed the thought out of his head, put a brave smile on his face that showed his crooked teeth and made his way back into his room. Ben was still sitting on his bed.

"I think it's time for you to get up and get ready for class," Mathew stated, wanting to see how much influence he had over Ben. It took Ben a few seconds to reply but when he did, he said exactly what Mathew wanted to hear.

"I think your right, I should listen to you more often," Ben said as he got up from his bed. He got dressed and then turned to look at Mathew with a confused expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" Mathew asked not even bothering to hide his smile. He was having a blast.

"It's just that I'm tired of my life and you seem like a really good guy. I was wondering if we could maybe be friends." Ben asked, looking hopeful.

"Of course we can, that is exactly what I wanted," Mathew replied happily.

"We should go grab breakfast in the cafeteria before we head to class," Ben said, picking his jacket up from the floor where he had left it.

"That sounds like a really good idea, but first you have to clean up this mess," Mathew stated pointing to Ben's half of the room. Ben looked around him and then shook his head in agreement.

"Yes, I should. It looks like a pigsty," Ben said before he folded up his jacket, placed it on his desk and started making up his bed.

Mathew just sat on his bed watching the sight of Ben cleaning the room as a feeling of joy spread throughout his body. Everything was working out perfectly, maybe even better than he expected.

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