Ch. 7 Sideswipe

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Ratchet’s P.O.V.
I try to think of ways to show Jasmine we will keep her safe, but this turns into concern. Jasmine has been unconscious for three hours. I cover her with a blanket before Prime and Rung come in. They want to wait for her to wake up. The way she comes to is concerning, moaning and turning her head from side to side until she opens her eyes. I’m afraid to ask what terrified her, but I must. What she tells me is concerning. I’m desperate to make her happy and feel safe. I worry we’re at the point where she thinks bad news will come when she sees Rung or Prime. 
“You’re safe,” Prime repeats, “no one will hurt you.”
It hurts Jasmine struggles to believe this.
We have the femmes take her down to the cafeteria while I talk to Prime and Rung.
“I can’t believe she’s terrified to the point she imagined water was blood,” I sigh.
“She’s been through a lot, and now her sister is saying something is coming,” Prime points out.
“This is complicated, but she just started the medication four days ago,” Rung explains.
She had nightmares for a while after the attack; I fear they’ll return. I will give her a sleep aid for a week.

Sideswipe asks if he can watch a movie with Jasmine. It’ll likely be something I’m not interested in, but I don’t think she will relax without me.

We ask her, and she nervously agrees. It’s unusual to see Sideswipe worried unless it’s about Sunstreaker.
“She’s on edge as it is. No scary movies!” I instruct Sideswipe.

Sideswipe’s P.O.V.
I tried to get Ratchet to join us, knowing Jasmine is on edge. Should I be happy she didn’t beg him to stay? Let’s try a comedy and get her laughing.

Jasmine did laugh as we watched the movie. I only have one movie. Jasmine asks if we can play pool. I guess this is a good sign; she’s relaxed. I dread how overnight will be. I know she has had a crush on Ratchet. She finally gets together with him, but now her sister is trying to ruin her life. It’s great seeing her smile, but I’m so concerned about her mental state.
Sideswipe, are you ok? My Twin asks through our bond.
No, I’ll tell you later.

It’s hard; I want to know what is on Jasmine’s mind, but I don’t want to upset her. I hope Ratchet will tell me. I show her my gun and tell her everybot and soldier carries one — not sure why she doesn’t have one, but it’s probably a good thing — hoping she will process she’s safe.
We play pool for an hour before I take Jasmine to her room, not wanting to leave her, but no way Ratchet will allow a sleepover.

Sunstreaker lays in his bed when I walk into the room. I lay on my bed, back facing Sunstreaker. I feel he’s worried through the bond; I think he figured it out.

The next day, I didn’t see Ratchet or Jasmine in the cafeteria at breakfast. I worry neither will be in the medbay today. How bad was last night?
I’m lost in thought that I didn’t know Ratchet is behind me.
“Don’t forget your check-up today,” Ratchet reminds me.
I nod, and he walks in the direction of the medbay. Please don’t tell me he had to sedate Jasmine and felt he needed to bring her to the medbay...

Jasmine didn’t come to my class today, but I got nothing about her withdrawing — though it wouldn’t be her choice. Ironhide tells me Jasmine didn’t show up to his class either and not to bother Ratchet. Well, I have to, even if I wasn’t concerned about Jasmine. What worries me is I’m not being told something until ... scrap...

I rush to the medbay — half expecting the doors to be locked — but they’re not. I go to Ratchet’s office expecting to be told my appointment is canceled. Instead, Jolt pulls me out of the office and into his.
“Leave him alone. It’s not a good day,” he tells me.
Scrap, how the hell is he even here? He shouldn’t be working.
“O-ok, I’ll reschedule for a few days before the training camp,” I tell him and try to leave, but Jolt stops me.
“No, Sideswipe, it’s nothing like that. He’s troubled by what happened yesterday. Jasmine imagined water as blood. That’s very concerning.”
I will not ask where she is. Jolt says nothing more as I leave the medbay. Glad I have nothing else I need to do today.

Jasmine’s P.O.V.
Rung wanted to try a therapy session this morning, but there’s nothing he can do. Until she’s dead or I’m dead, this will never end. My session turns into a meeting with Prime. He tells me about another female soldier — or is she alien like the Autobots? She travels across dimensions.
“... she too struggles with mental health. This time is a challenge, but she has support. You remember Bumblebee? Along with new Autobots and  three human friends.”
When he told me her name, I couldn’t believe it. I remember spending some time with her. That explains why she would be around for a couple of months, disappear and return.
“I’ve known her for years. Her mental health has been on the decline, but we are her support. Without us, I fear she would have been gone a long time ago.”
I’d love to reunite with her, but I’ll likely have my chance soon.
“You understand why I’m telling you about her even though she’s not here?”
“Everything will be ok.”
Optimus hugs me before I go down to the medbay.

Ratchet has me study for the next two hours before lunch. I thought nothing of it until I see Sideswipe in the cafeteria; did he show up for his check-up? He looks at us, uncertain if he’s allowed to approach.
“Did you tell at him?” I ask Ratchet.
“No, I only reminded him about his appointment. I don’t care if he wants to spend time with you — unless he’s trying to take you from me.”
I laugh at what Ratchet added at the end.
“I’ve waited too long for us to be together for another mech to take me from you.”
I hug and kiss him before we get our lunch.

Sideswipe shows up at his appointment. Like Ironhide, he’s in good health.
“I’m sorry, I know I’m supposed to think you’re my doctor when in here....”
Sideswipe hugs me, which, yeah, would be a bit odd to do.
“I’ll be ok,” I assure him.

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