Ch. 45 Don't Make The Same Mistakes Again

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Jasmine's P.O.V.
Ratchet tells me I can workout in the training room with Sunstreaker. What I'm uncertain about is that Jolt will do physical therapy with a soldier who was injured in the attack at the same time. Ratchet can't be with us, which is disappointing regardless of the fact a soldier will be with us.
"Sunstreaker, what are we going to do about this?" I ask, showing my bandaged arm.
"Ratchet wants you to start slowly, so you can get away with wearing long sleeves. That should heal before you're allowed to do anything that'll make you sweat that you should be wearing a T-shirt. I worry you're going to do this again."
I say nothing about his concern.

Roy's physical therapy appointment is at ten. Sideswipe is happy to be watching Audrey. She shouldn't wake up before Sunstreaker and I are back.
"Hello, Jasmine. My name is Roy Green," Roy introduces himself.
Jolt explains the two will do physical therapy in one area of the room, while Sunstreaker and I will be on the other side of the room. 

Sunstreaker has me doing simple stretches, even though my legs are not weak. I hope he will not have me do this for months before we can do something more challenging, and workout for longer. Sunstreaker decides I'm done after twenty minutes. I doubt it's because he's in a hurry to workout himself. He comes with me to the medbay.

I should have known I wouldn't be allowed in the medbay. I can't say they're assuming how I'd be seeing the patients in critical condition. I'm not sure if I'd be ok.
After Sunstreaker tells Ratchet how my workout went, he tries to get Ratchet to come to lunch with us, but Jolt is still with Roy.
Sunstreaker argues Ratchet is neglecting me, even after I told him I'm not mad at Ratchet.
Now I have to explain to Ratchet that I miss him, but I know he'll cut back once the patients are stable.

Ratchet's P.O.V.
Jolt has been concerned Jasmine feels like I'm neglecting her, and while Jasmine says she's ok, I don't believe her. 
"I should be able to handle the patients for a while," I hear Jolt.
He quickly reports how Roy's physical therapy went before going into the medbay. Jasmine is happy I'm taking a break.

Sideswipe comes to the cafeteria with Audrey. The little baby slept the entire time. Now she's hungry. Jasmine feeds her while I get our lunches.
"You need to cut back your hours," I hear Optimus while I'm in the kitchen.
"Not with five patients in critical condition, and one is unstable."
"You are permitted to get help from the hospital."
Jolt already argued we should get help. Not pleased I'm more worried about our patients than about my girlfriend. With most patients being released within the next week, we don't need many doctors to come here.
Optimus lectures how I'm neglecting my family, even if Jasmine and I aren't married and Audrey is Jasmine's sister. Reminding me about the court date. I doubt the hours I'm in the medbay would affect the chance of Jasmine and me adopting Audrey.
"I know you fear you will lose them, even if the circumstances differ from when you lost Compus," Optimus adds.
I sigh, "you're right, but I am also concerned about my patients."
"You need to learn to balance work and your family."
I know I suck at that, and Compus would likely also not be pleased if she was still online, and we were only close friends. I lost her when the war was raging on; battles nonstop. I don't know what she'd think about me moving on, add the one I love is a hybrid and we're taking care of her baby sister.
"I know, Optimus, I—,"I look behind me, staring at Compus, "C-Compus?"
"I have been watching you and Jasmine."
"I... I'm sorry —."
"I am not here to haunt you about moving on," she smiles, "but I'm worried you are making a mistake and will lose them. Jasmine and her sister need you. I know you love your job, but trust me stepping back for a while will be worth it. I don't want you to lose the one you love again," It's interesting kissing a spirit before she vanishes, "goodbye, my love."
It's hard to continue like I didn't just see my deceased sparkmate.
"Are you ok?" Sunstreaker asks.
Who wouldn't assume my processor is fragged up hearing I've seen the ghost of my previous sparkmate? Even while Sunstreaker looks at me, concerned. Not knowing what to say. He leaves the kitchen.

Audrey is happy to see me as I sit next to Jasmine. She's not pleased to be put back in her stroller.
"We need to get a carrier," Jasmine tells me as I get Audrey to take her binky.
"She needs to learn to comfort herself."
Secretly, I want to carry this cute baby around.  We decide to go for a walk after lunch.

The walk results in Audrey falling asleep. I go up to the twins' room with my femmes.
Once Audrey is in her pack 'n' play, I sit on the couch and hug Jasmine. I know hearing that the rest of the soldiers injured will be released within the next few days isn't much, considering they'll need physical therapy and won't be back on duty for a while, but it's good news. She doesn't know how many soldiers were injured, so she doesn't know I'm leaving out the critical patients. I know this will not get Jasmine to stop blaming herself.
The twins return an hour later. Neither not pleased I'm leaving, even if I'm going to the hospital. I don't want to tell Jasmine what I'm up to yet.

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