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Astar followed Loki into the large room before them, two agents stood guard out front. Loki, adjusting his collar to a more comfortable position, piped up "is there any possible way we can remove this thing and talk civilly?" His voice seemed modest but his intentions most certainly were not. Astar gave a small huff of amusement, nearly laughter as she sat down.

"I don't think so." Astar respond, setting down across from the God of Mischief, a bean shaped cream colored table separated the two of them. A small vermillion box TV sat to the right of the agent and a silver wooden panel with small slides and dials. "Let's get started.. shall we?" The brunette looked up from the papers infront of her to Loki.

"What?" Loki ask, "started with what?" He persist. "Your nexus event." Astar answer.

"Nexus event?" Loki repeat, a sour confused look washed over his face. "Unfortunately.." The agent reply, turning a knob on the small TV, allowing pixels of light to dance over an electric stage, forming what was the timeline events- Loki could be seen in the conquer of New York, gliding on an alien craft. Barton pulled an arrow back and shot it at Loki, who caught it and threw it back, killing Barton.

Astar paused the light show with the click of a button. "Here on the sacred timeline that arrow was supposed to explode in your face, causing you to crash into Stark tower and face the hulk.. where he kinda pummels the crap outta ya for a couple seconds." She showed the correct timeline with the turn of a knob showing Loki, battlescarred and angry yelling at the Hulk until inevitably after his voice echoed throughout the chamber his body broke concrete.

Loki flinched momentarily.. as if it had actually happened. "This is obsurd." He comment before Astar switched to Loki in cuffs next to his brother, then to his hearing on Asgard, then in his cell. "What good is showing me this going to do? How am I supposed to know this isn't some trick? None of this ever.." Loki stopped when his mother's death appeared. He stood quickly.

"This was all supposed to happen." Astar watched Loki as he approach the lights, "I.. led them straight to her..." He muttered. Astar rose a brow and bounced her head "yeah.. you kinda did."

Loki glared back at her. "It's who you are Loki." Astar spoke, watching the screen again. Thor was being fond to his brother. Then it flashed to Loki rescuing his people from Ragnarok, "see!" Loki exclaimed "I can be-" then Thanos's voice boomed throughout the chamber "undying?" Loki's attention snapped back to the display.

A wave of shiver sprouted from his back then all across his body. He slowly walk forward to witness his own demise. The sound of his neck snapping echoed the room, Loki visably flinched. The last thing shown was Thor crying over Loki's corpse. "That was the last thing you heard. The last thing you felt." Astar looked to Loki as the end of the reel tape displayed across and then 'end of file'.

Loki looked back at Astar, a tear running down his sharp cheek. "He loved you." She gestured toward the seat he had been in. Loki shook his head in response, refusing to set. "This is a trick." He rationalized. "No." Astar simply retort. "This is real. Now you have a second chance. Set down. Write your own story." Astar again gestured to his seat. Loki shook his head yet still sat down.

His eyes were on the table, searching for answers, red with sorrow and exhaustion. "Why-" he started "why show me this?" Loki ask. "Until you realize who exactly you are you can't reflect on yourself to change." She spoke, Loki furrowed his brows. He wasn't sure weather to agree or argue, "I need you for a project. Once you help me.. I'll let you off the hook." This was a tempting offer to say the least.

If it meant not living out what he just witnessed he would do next to anything.. and then go back and do things correctly. "What will you have me do?" Loki looked to Astar, "well..." She stood. She knocked twice on the door and they opened, "I have a team I'm putting together." Loki sprang from his seat and followed her. They walked to a separate room that was much bigger and filled with people dressed in different uniforms.

"A team?" Loki ask, stopping as they round a corner. Standing in Loki's way was Thanos. Loki gulp tightly as he looked up at the Titan. "A new recruit?" A red suited man shout from behind. "You're like a freakin mountian, big guy, move for me will ya!" Thanos stepped aside after grunting, putting down the tray he was holding. A gloved hand extend for loki to shake "Name's Deadpool!" His white eyes closed with satisfaction. "Not 'dead' maybe even 'pool' if you will or you can just call me... any time-" Wade wink, looking to his own hand that Loki had yet to shake, "is this thing on?" He quipped, Loki looked to Astar, who smiled.

"Welcome to the team." She pat his shoulder once before walking past Thanos, Loki following not too far behind, Deadpool still holding his hand out to shake as he watched Loki act like he wasn't there.. so he took his other hand and shook his own, "nice to meet you deadpool- nice shoes deadpool- why thank you! I made them myself-" he spoke to himself before walking.

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