A Short Awakening

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"Astar..?" Loki tried again, walking to her bedside, now. She was nonresponsive. He looked up momentarily to see Thanos headed their way quickly a few nurses following not too far behind. It seemed strange seeing the Titan in something other that expensive armor. Instead he wore his fine undersuit and boots. Loki had just realised he never got to change.. nor was there an outfit in his room. He was still in that lame jumpsuit. Maybe he just didn't look hard enough.

Thanos stood aside Astar's bed across from Loki, kneeling down on one knee to try and see if she was alright. The nurses were dressed in long white dresses down to their knees with two three inched red stripes around their waist, ruby red heels, hair up in a bun and bright red lipstick. One of the two nurses stopped to look at the extent of her damage, it was manageable. Luckily Astar was a quick healer. She did need the standard amount of fluids so the other nurse got an IV ready and a sterile wipe, cleaned the area in the crook of her arm near a vein and pressed it in.

As soon as the needle entered her arm Astar gasped, shooting awake, the first thing she saw was Thanos over her, thinking it was still the Armored Thanos that broke free from his guards. Instinctually Astar rose her legs to grip around his neck again, lifting herself up quickly and throwing herself over the back of him, landing on another bed. Thanos tried catching her but she was too quick. The Titan stood and turned around to see Astar in a fighting stance. Her vision was spinning, unclear as to how many people were in the room. She nearly fell over, clearly she wasn't able to stand straight after that stunt. Thanos put an arm out to catch her, landing a hand on her waist causing Astar to react, stepping forward she fell onto the floor yet caught herself, lifting her right leg to kick Thanos once in the leg, then side then shoulder in one swift stroke. Thanos caught her foot as it had sailed toward his shoulder, Astar hopped with her left foot and planted it on his chest pushing with it to get her other one free.

She was unsuccessful.

Thanos gripped her waist again and let go of her foot, catching a fist that had been coming for his face. Thanos could tell her eyes were turning green again, "Astar! It's me! Uhf-! " Thanos was punched with her other fist, now her foot was loose she retracted both her legs and kicked up toward his chin, Thanos caught her legs just in time.

As he had her by her core and her legs he controlled most of her body, before he released her waist to block another punch, as both her hands were now free, her fists of fury suddenly stopped with a small audible gasp from Astar, Loki had stepped in to help by grabbing her inner elbows and pulling them back. As entertaining as that scene she made just was, controlling the Hulk at full blast was no mean feat. A nurse came up behind with a sedative and pricked her in her thigh, squirting the full amount into her.

Loki was struggling to keep her arms back, her fists clenched as she tried wrestling out of her hold, slowly she began to relax, as she began to go limp they set her down on the bed, the nurses getting out straps to tie her down to the bed. It seemed like they knew the drill, which meant this really did happen before. Wrestling and watching your boss get strapped down to a bed was interesting to say the least for your first day on the job.

Thanos looked concerned as he watched her face fall on the pillow. Her veins were bright green. As her breathing went back to normal she was hooked up to a monitor and her color went back to normal. Loki watched the screen as it turned on, watching her heartbeat. "It would have been nice to know she was the She Hulk beforehand." Loki blurted out, Thanos looked to Loki, "it happened quickly." He simply stated, setting on the bed behind him. The nurse was nervous to hook up her IV again, but hesitantly did it anyways.

"You should get back to your room and get dressed." Thanos suggested. Loki swallowed before looking at Astar, then the monitor one more time before nodding and leaving. Wade suddenly came running through the wing, huffing as if he had been sprinting, "Did I seriously miss the fight!? " Deadpool slumped over and grunt yelled, "Fuck!" He yelled at the ground. Loki shook his head.

"Wade have some respect, you're in the hospital." Thanos calmly berated him, "why? It's not like me being loud is killin' these fucknuts faster." Deadpool saw Astar on the bed, raising a brow at the straps, "did you guys do dibs already?" Thanos snapped, "God damn it Wade, get out-" He snarled, Wade rose his hands and pivot on his heel, catching up with Loki as he noticed the trickster had slipped out mid conversation, "y'know it's considered rude to walk off like that I didn't even get to see what happened!" Loki turned around and caught Wade by the collar, slamming him into the nearest wall.

"Listen here, you cretin- I am not interested-" Loki was to the point, "Stay away from me." He warned, let go of the collar and walked off. Wade just sat there for a moment before putting a hand up to his own throat, then waving while smiling "catch ya later, aligator!"

Loki kept walking, furrowed his brow. This man was an inigma. Why was he useful? The God scof as he head to his chamber, soon finding and changing into a suit of dark brown, a tan shirt underneath with the same colored dark brown tie. It was hidden in a box under the bed. He left to check on Astar in the hospital wing again, Renslayer, the Judge, was waiting cross-legged leaning on the doorway outside of the entrance, reading out of a manilla folder with Astar's name on it.

"We have a few things to discuss." Renslayer's voice boomed down the hall, "Oh?" Loki cocked, a little more confident in the suit. "It will serve you well to not talk about what transpired today with anyone outside the group." Renslayer closed the folder and looked to Loki. "We are trying to contain the situation."

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