Chapter 10

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Andrew's POV

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Andrew's POV

The weekend came and went. The good news is that Peyton's dad is alive and good. The two came back later on that day but quickly disparted when they came back to the house. When I went back to my home my dad didn't ask where I was or didn't have any remarks. Anyways back to the present day.

"You had a dream about air balling a shot?" I chuckled out earning a hard smack on my arm. "I'm sorry it's just funny," I spoke out trying to hide my smile.

"Well, it's not going to be funny when I fail my class because I can't make a free throw shot. How embarrassing is it that I'm dating a basketball star but I don't even know how to make a simple bucket," she responded as I just agreed with her, attempting to hold in my laughter. "You know this would've never happened if you taught me how to shoot."

"Oh so now this is my fault?" I asked as she hummed in agreeing to her comment. "Well you had Lucas this whole time so I'm not the only one to blame."

"Good point. Anyways you think you can help me?" she asked looking up at me.

"I wish I could but I have to go with my dad to an event his company is having." I sighed and she dropped her head. "Maybe you can ask Lucas," I said trying to find a solution to help her. She slowly nodded her head to the idea. "Trust me I would rather be helping you than go to a party that is going to be filled with people asking me the same questions over and over again."

"Yeah, that doesn't sound like a better option. Okay, I need to get to class, see you later" she said heading towards her class.

"Also if nothing else helps you can always go with the granny shot!" I say loud enough for my voice to reach her down the hall as she looked back at me with a look and continued to her class while other people paused in the hallway. "What?"


"Remember no fo-"

"No fooling around I got it, dad. Now can we head inside?" he nodded and we made our way into a fancy room that was crowded with people from my dad's work. We sat down at a table along with other people.

"So the Ravens are going to win it all?" A random lady's voice said as I looked in the direction.

"That's the plan." giving the woman a simple answer before my dad joined in.

"With him on the team, it would be a disappointment if they don't make state," He put his input before turning back to me. "Isn't that right son?" I put on a fake smile and gave a good response before making my way towards the drink area. Some businessmen having a conversation near the bar. My dad talked to a few of them before going back to the table and talking to the lady as he said something to make the woman laugh. I chugged down my drink which was juice despite my desperate beg for actual liquor. I went back to the table and sat down quietly not wanting to disrupt their conversation.

He was throwing flirty remarks at her every chance he got and every time he did she just laughed and smacked him on the arm. I honestly wish I was anywhere but here. They kept flirting until a man sat beside the lady greeting her with a kiss. As my dad gave him a handshake and talked to him as the man draped his arm around the woman introducing her as his wife. I widen my eyes a bit looking at my dad expecting to see him shocked or surprised but nope he went on with the conversation and to make it better my dad knew they were married. Of course, he would do something like this it's not like any titles ever stopped him before. I excused myself from the table and walked over outside just to get fresh air. I looked inside through the glass doors seeing them giving speeches and awards. I saw my dad walk on the stage and start speaking making the crowd laugh here and there. He really did it. He got the reputation he ruined in Bear Creek back just like that. I took a deep breath before heading back inside hearing the crowd applaud for his speech. How the hell am I supposed to deal with the rest of the night like this?

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"Hellooo!" I greeted the brunette as she jumped and turned away from her locker.

"You know there is a more calmer way of saying hello?" She responded and I shrugged.

"Yeah but that takes away from the fun of scaring you," I joked as she playfully punched me in my arm. "So how's Peyton doing? You know with the whole almost losing her dad thing." I asked.

"She's good, actually me and Lucas are supposed to help her paint her room later. You can come if you want," she said with eager eyes to find out my answer.

"You know I do have something to d-"

"Nope sorry you're coming, I just asked you that so it made it seem like you had a choice," I smirked and slightly twisted my body making my back ache a bit which made me wince a little before I shook it off. But it was long enough for Brooke to notice. "Ok enough with this, what happened?" she asked once again seeing the worried expression on her face.

"Nothing. I just hurt my back doing something stupid." I lied trying to get her to stop worrying. She responded by giving me a look. A look that wanted to make me tell her everything just for her to calm down but at last I still kept quiet. "Really is nothing. I'll catch you later at Peyton's ok?" I finished the conversation as she nodded before I turned around. Even though she wasn't in my sight, I could feel her eyes still on me as I turned the corner.

I saw Haley leaving the library looking in a rush. "Haley!" I yelled trying to get her attention which fortunately enough it was. "So did you pass that free throw shot?"

"Yeah, I did," giving a plain response still walking through the hallway.

"That's it no bragging?" I asked as she turned around.

"Not today. Now if you don't mind I have to go confront someone." she finished before walking disappearing into the group of teenagers. Should've asked who it was, damn.


"You know Peyton I might have to steal your room," I teased, earning a laugh from Brooke and a small smile from Peyton.

They walked closer to the wall. "It's like they're all judging you. You can't hide in here anymore." Brooke spoke out.

"Well, when you put it like that..." I said tilting my head at the mural. "Nope still cool. Anyways when is Lucas supposed to come?" I asked turning to the two girls.

"He should be getting here soon." The brunette responded to my question.

While Peyton's mood shifted a bit at the topic. Turning her full attention towards her best friend. "Brooke you're my best friend," she said as Brooke turned her head to Peyton.

I looked at both of them feeling the room fill with tension. Not liking the shift, I decided this was something in between the two friends. "I'll give you guys some space," heading to the exit of the bedroom.

"Andrew you don't have to do that," Brooke told me. I looked at her before turning to the blonde seeing her look down at the floor.

"No, it's alright I need to go see if I left my phone in the kitchen anyway." I explained which wasn't a lie because I couldn't find my phone anywhere. I smiled at Peyton which made her do the same with a nod.

I made my way downstairs almost tripping near the end. Luckily I didn't faceplant and continued to make my way to the kitchen as I started to look for my phone. I was roaming the area trying to see if I could see my cell. Right, when I was about to give up I heard my phone ringing in the other room. I ran to the living room seeing my phone lit up on the table. I picked it up and answered.

"Hey, Hales"

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