dwalen don't kill me

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I gently woke y/n up since we were getting ready to leave I decided to talk to dwalen and thorin "dwalen uncle I think I found my one" I told the two their eyes widened "who" uncle asked I looked at dwalen and gulped "y/n" I said cautiously I prepared for my ultimate lecture but all I got was a small smile from them they weren't going to kill me
Y/ns point of view
I was woken up by kili I went to find my uncle balin "uncle I think I found my one" I told him "who is it lass" he asked me "kili" I told my uncle he smiled "you know your father just told me that kili had told him and thorin that he thinks that your his one" before he could say anything else I ran to find kili when I saw him I jumped in his arms he wrapped his arms around me "your uncle told you didn't he" kili said I nodded he started freaking out "kili it's ok I feel the same way" I told him later on we each put a courting braid in each others hair everyone saw us we decided to tie our ponies together every once and a while our family would glance back at us we just smile and act innocent Because most of the time it was Because we had thrown a berry at them with the help of fili of course we laughed about afterwards until they started throwing them back at us

warriors Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora