five years later

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I paced the bedroom floor trying to think of a way to tell my husband the news how would he react "sister calm down he will be happy" fili said trying to calm me down "I know fee but I'm still scared" he shook his head then glanced behind me I suddenly felt two big strong arms wrap around me from behind I jumped "don't be scared armâlimê its only me" I heard kili say I looked up and saw his big smile "kili don't do that again you scared me half to death" he kissed me on the forehead "sorry armâlimê" he said I sighed "it ok kili now how about we go to the balcony" he raised his eyebrows but agreed i saw fili mouth a good luck when we got to the balcony i felt kili hug me from behind and rest his head on mine "what's bothering you armâlimê" he asked I simply put his hands on my stomach I was a month pregnant so the baby will kick a little after his hands were on my stomach he smiled "y/n is this your way of telling me you're pregnant again" I nodded he spun me around in a hug then we heard it fili yelled "I'm gonna be a dad and have another niece or nephew yes" we didn't notice he was standing behind us "fee you already knew" I told him "I thought you were stressing about how to tell kili that ruelle made her first bullseye" I face palmed I saw kili smiling even bigger "my little princess made her first bullseye" he ran off to find ruelle when he was out of earshot i punched fili but somthing felt off "fee wheres my dad and uncle" he looked down they should have been back from hunting those trolls now "I'm sorry y/n they were killed on the hunting trip" fili said I dropped to my knees when I heard this and started crying kili saw me and ran to my side and comforted me the best he could I eventually fell asleep
Kilis point of view
Y/n fell asleep crying I don't know what happened but I'll ask fili he will know "fili what happened I was gone for five minutes" he looked down and kicked a rock " I got news from uncle he said balin and dwalen were killed on the hunting trip y/n asked me where were they and I told her I was as gentle as I could be" he said looking like he was about to cry I pulled him into a hug "it's ok I know you wouldn't hurt her intentionally please don't cry your my brother and hey you're about to be a dad that's exciting" I said he eventually stopped crying and we both went to bed I took my shirt off and crawled under the covers with y/n she snuggled closer to me i smiled and wrapped my arms around her

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