NCT- JohntaeX 00 line

28 1 0


Caregiver: Johnny, Taeyong

Littles: 00 line (Renjun, Jeno, Haechan/ Donghyuck,  Jaemin, Yangyang, Shortaro)







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00line, Johnny and Taeyong are free today, so the 00line decided to slip and play together today.




No one's pov

The littles are currently playing tag in NCT's 'mansion' (A/N: They all live in the same dorm [just imagine]) "WEADY OR NOT, HWERE I CWOME!!!!!!" Shouted Hyuck while he uncover his eyes and start looking for his friends.

"Fowund you!!!" Hyuck said when he found Renjun hiding under the table. "Nuuuuu, how you find me:(" Hyuck just giggled and took Renjun's hand to find other littles. 

They found yangyang third and they just keep running around the dorm to find other littles. But while they are running, they didn't realised that yangyang can't follow up with their speed. Yangyang tried his best to follow his brothers who are running around, but he just can't. He ends up falling down.

He went to his room and laid down on his bed with his sheep plushie clutched in his chest and cried silently. He felt his hands were a bit painful because of falling and looked it.

When he saw blood oozing out from his fingers, he gasped at cried harder. Meanwhile, the others had finished playing the game of hide and seek and they all went to the kitchen to get some snacks.

"One, two, three, four, five... Wait a second, why is there only five littles here? Where's yangyang?" Taeyong asked "Dada, he ish wit us, ishn't? Me and hyuckie fowund him thrid!" Renjun said. "You boys stay here with daddy, I will go to yangyang's room to see if he's in there." Taeyong said.

Taeyong entered yangyang's room and found him on his bed, crying. He sat next to yangyang and asked softly, "Why aren't you playing with the others, baby?" Yangyang looked up at him and showed up his finger.

"Oh my poor little baby, is it why you didn't play?" Yangyang nodded his head and said, "Yangie have boo boo 'cause pway 'ide 'n seek, yangie no pway 'ide n seek 'nymore!" Taeyong sighed and said, "Let dada treat your wound first baby." After treating his wound, Taeyong carried him to the living room where all the littles are currently in. Taeyong put him down between jaemin and jeno.

"Boys, yangie got hurt when he played hide and seek with you guys. Can you play something that you guys won't get hurt?" All the boys gasped and went to hug yangyang and each of them saying sorry. They all end up cuddling on the couch while watching a movie. They all fell asleep afterwards.

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A/N: Sorry that it took so longgggggg, school just started and i had a hard time with my studies:(

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Word count: 469

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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