Nice To Meet You Bucky

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-----✪-----Just want to say that I won't be following the MCU timeline :)

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Just want to say that I won't be following the MCU timeline :)

Today was like any other day. You headed to the market, saw plum guy again and went home later on in the day. But only one thing was different and that was your door had been creaked open. You stud in front of the door in shock as you knew you had been robbed. You didn't have much and expected this to happen but what you didn't expect was right behind the door.

You opened the door slowly as you knew things were going to be missing and the apartment was going to be trashed but that wasn't the case. Everything was the same and nothing had been taken but you almost screamed when you saw two bodies on the floor. You turned around and fell backwards when you were greeted by plum guy.

He caught you in his arms before you could fall as he knew he was going to end up scaring you. "You okay?" He whispered, trying not to scare you as much as he already had done. He sounded like he was worried about you. He kept his arms around you until you were able to stand on both your feet without falling.

You looked up slowly to see his dull blue eyes that were staring into yours. You were all of a sudden very nervous and he picked up on that instantly. He moved his arms away and kept them by his sides and didn't just move them because he picked up on your nerves, he also moved them because he was scared to hurt someone so small and innocent like you. His eyes were blood shocked and he looked like he hadn't slept in months which made you feel bad for the poor guy.

"Oh uh sorry" You cleared your throat as you looked away from his eyes, moving your attention to the bodies on the floor. "I swear they were already here before I came"
He was admiring your small frame before shifting his eyes to the two men on the floor. He knew that they were already there before you came because he was the one who attacked them when he noticed them breaking your door down as he wanted to protect you from harm.

"You should go see if they took anything from your room" He kept a low and calm voice as he walked over to the men on the floor.
You looked in the bedroom and made sure everything was there before coming out to speak but noticed he was gone and so were the bodies. You had never been so confused in your life. There was one question that kept repeating in your head. Did you just dream this?

You walked over to the door and knew it wasn't a dream as it was still broken. This was something you were going to have to add to your list of things to do. You were about to shut it when a black gloved up hand stopped you. You opened the door slowly to see plum guy with a box of tools which made you raise an eyebrow.

"Need help?" He asked with his calm voice as he motioned to the door. You could tell he didn't really speak much as his voice was so raspy but attractive at the same time. You nodded as he got on his knees and started to fix the door.

Hey Neighbour - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now