12 AM thoughts

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I turned off my cameras and I threw myself on my bed. Just finished filming another video. I yawned and looked at the time, it was already 11:45 PM. I started taking my clothes off, until I was only in boxers.

I grabbed my phone and went on Twitter. Going through my twitter feed, I see a picture of Shane and I. It's been months since Shane and I had filmed a video together.

Ever since he started dating that girl. What was her name again ? Oh yeah, Lisa. We haven't talked much, which really makes me sad.

I get up and walk to the window. Such a beautiful view. The lights shining through the dark night.

*buzz* *buzz*

I felt my phone vibrate. I check to see who messaged me and it was Alice.
She was a girl I met last week, she was really pretty, had long dark black silky hair, and light blue eyes, she was also pretty short next to me.

I met her while I was walking down the street. She told me she knew who I was and asked if she could get a picture with me. I took the picture with her and she asked if she could get my number. She was pretty good looking and she wasn't rude so I did. She squealed and kissed me on the cheek and then walked away.

But at this moment I didn't want to text no one. I wasn't really in the mood to text.

I head to my bed again and get under my sheets ready to sleep.

I checked the clock one last time and it was 12:00 AM already. Time flies really fast, I think to myself.

I unlock my phone and scroll through my pictures, deleting the ones I didn't want for space. I found a picture of Shane and I.

I don't know why I'm always thinking about him. When I filmed videos with him before, I was always happy.

I felt that if we were a gay couple, we would be the best couple.

But I'm not gay, I'm straight.

I'm not suppose to be having those feelings because I'm straight. I'm not suppose to fall in love with a man. I am suppose to fall in love with a woman, according to society. But when I'm with him, I don't care what people say .

I yawned and placed my phone beside me, it was already late and it was time to sleep.

A/n : I'm sorry, if this sucked. I haven't wrote in a while, but I hope the next few chapter come out better than this one. I want to say, thank you for reading this and if I'm offending someone, somehow, I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend no one.

Love you all .xx

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