Chapter 3

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Time skip to about a week. Ranboo had stayed with the others.

Narrators POV

Phil was helping Ranboo calm down. Even if the events happened a week ago, it was like he was experiencing it everyday. Phil never knew what happened, as the rest didn't speak when they came back from their mission. Phil sighed, finally breaking the silence.

"Hey, mate.. What even happened during that time? I'd like to know, bud"

Ranboo froze, fighting tears that were threatening to fall. Ranboo inhaled shakily, answering Phil's question.

"W-well- when- um- My-my brother, R..Rui was fighting the oth-ers, another-r person ca-came in and ki-lled Rui-" Ranboo stuttered on his words, making noises as he was crying. He kne that his brother had killed many people, but Ranboo still loved him. Phil sighed, pulling Ranboo in a hug. Ranboo rested his head on Phil's shoulder, crying and breathing harshly. 

Tubbo walked in, looking at the two as Phil tried to calm Ranboo down. Tubbo sat next to them, signaling for consent to take Ranboo in attempt to calm him down. 

Phil handed Ranboo to Tubbo. Tubbo shifted to where Ranboo was on his lap. He played with his hair, as from his panic attack yesterday he knew that Ranboo calmed down when he was pet.

Heh, meow meow.

In the afternoon 

Ranboo carried on with his day, doing his normal things he'd do. He stayed inside, as the sun would kill him. He was reading a book while eating rice balls until Tanjiro walked in. Ranboo swallowed his food.

"He-hello, Tanj-ro San" Ranboo said, stumbling over his words.

"Hello, Ranboo. You doing better? Phil told me you had a panic attack an hour ago.." Tanjiro said as he walked over and sat next to Ranboo. He was clearly concerned. 

Ranboo took a bite of his food, as not knowing what to answer.

Tanjiro POV

His scent was odd. It gave off nervous and scared feels. "If you don't want Sakonji coming in here, you might as well calm down because your scent of fear is strong." 

I noticed he stiffened. I don't think they told him I have a good sense of smell. 

He hid he's knees, ears flattened. He was somehow able to hide his strong fear scent by doing that. 

I noticed his kimono looked small. He was also shaking as if he was cold. I got up and got into the closet of extra kimonos. 

I eventually found one that was half back and white. I handed it to him and he went off to change. I bet he was relived to have his old one off because his scent was much more calmer now.

As soon as he sat down next to me, Tubbo walked in. "Uh- Tanjiro. Sakonji needs you"

I nodded, walking out of the room.

Tubbo POV

I sat down next to Ranboo. There was an uncomfortable silence.

He eventually lied his head on my shoulder, groaning.

"You tired, big man?" I said. He nodded slightly. I stood up, laughing a bit since his head just fell of the ground. "what the heck was that forrr" I didn't answer.

I got a sleeping bag and set it up. After is was finished I signaled him to get in. He did so, and somehow instantly falling asleep. I giggled. I got my own sleeping bag and placed it next to him.

After I got situated a ran my hand through Ranboo's hair. It was unusually soft like a cats. I giggled silently. 

I kept stroking his hair until I fell asleep.


こんにちは! (konnichiwa) hi, hello, how are yall?

i have one note- i will be making a japanese translated one when this book is completed- other than that have a pog day!

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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