Getting Captured

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Lance's POV:
"This will be so easy like stealing candy from a baby," I said. "Lance don't be so carefree," said Shiro. "Shiro this place is technically abandoned what will go wrong," I say. "Lance stop it and listen to Shiro," said Keith. "Whatever Mullet," I said as I pull up to the Galra building. I got out of the red lion and walk around just then I walk into a room but then the door shut. "Oh god!," I kinda yelled then Shiro said," what's wrong Lance!" I said," The door locked down" I then hear a chuckle. I then say quietly Lotor and the others heard me and yelled for me to get out and I try to attack Lotor but he knocks me out and I fall into darkness.

Lotor's POV:
I knock Lance out and I threw his helmet on the ground and smash it and I grabbed him and took him to my small ship and flew off with him to my big ship that is only a few doboshs away.

Shiro's POV:
I go to the black lion and I take off to go find Lance but once I got there I found no trace of him and his helmet was smashed. I speak," he isn't hear I think Lotor left with Lance." "Oh no we need to get Lance back," says the princess. "But how we don't even know where they went," I say. Keith then say," I might've put a tracking device on Lance before he left just incase how about we check that out." "Good job Keith I'll return back," I say as I turned back to go to the castle with black carrying blue. Once i get back to the castle I walk to the bridge and Keith puts up a map and it said were Lance was but then it glitched and then disappeared. "What just happened?!," Coran asked yelling loudly. Pidge answers," Lotor must've found the device and destroyed it and know we will never find Lance." She looked down to the floor and starts to cry because she thought she lost her best friend forever. I hug Pidge and look at Keith and say,"Where were they at?" He answers," They were near the planet Nippe 7Y2." Once Keith said that name we all froze cause the planet has the worst type of aliens on there and they were worse than the Galra themselves.

To be continued
Words counted: 406

I know this is short but it is 12:39 am for me so I hope you guys like this I also have another story going to come out hope you will like that one as well as this one.

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