Lost and Found

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Lance's POV

I am in a vent hidding from bom and voltron. I start to ring up Lotor and he answers. "Hey what happened your completely off the graph?," He asked. "Well I kinda got into a problem and I need you to get me," I whispered yelled to him. "Lemme guess Voltron and BOM have you but your in a vent like always," he said. "Yep and Im afraid Pidge might come into the vents she can fit into them," I said "Okay Ezor and Zethrid coming to get you," Lotor said "Kk signing off," I whispered. I heared someone talked and turned around to see Pidge and Shiro somehow in here. I crawled to the exit of the vent and lauched myself out and ran and I saw Keith in front of me. I jumped over Keith but he caught my foot and I hit the floor hard and blacked out well more like passed out.

*To Be Continued*

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