The Escape Plan

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Shiro's POV

Pidge dragged the persons body out the vent. They gave the person to me and I took the person to the cells. I tried to see how to remove their armor and I found out and once I took the little box off them the armor disappeared to expose an male garla that looked like Lance but I thought it was just a coincidence and I saw he had blue marks from his feet to his face. I touched his face and he moved and mumbled something yet I could hear it. He mumbled 'S-shiro' I was shocked that he knew my name but suddenly he jumped up and kicked me grabbed his little armor box thing and ran toward the pods. I pressed the altean alarm but he got into the elevator before I pressed it but the elevator got stuck at an bad point because there was a vent and that vent lead to where the pods are. I saw that he kicked the vent open and went into the vent and he was gone. 'Shit' I mumbled.

To be continued

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