favorite times together

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hey we have had a lot of times together but these are just some of my favorite times.

disney world: i loved when we went to disney world because i felt so close to you, i loved spending time with you.

cape code :i love going to cape cod because i feel as thought i am getting closer to you because we spend do much times together

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cape code :i love going to cape cod because i feel as thought i am getting closer to you because we spend do much times together

cape code :i love going to cape cod because i feel as thought i am getting closer to you because we spend do much times together

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(i loved when we would play in the sand because we would laugh a lot and i just loved that)

my birthday 2021: i always love my birthday but this one felt spiechial somehow like you were there for me and i loved evry time we smiled and huged.

my birthday 2021: i always love my birthday but this one felt spiechial somehow like you were there for me and i loved evry time we smiled and huged

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