School Dance au

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"You said you weren't coming." Evan wipes a sweaty hand against his rented suit. He spent weeks finding the money to afford it just for tonight. Jared smiles a bit, the same plastered smile he gave daily "I just came to see you forget basic human functions around Zoe Murphy."

Evan looks down, "Will you help me?"

His laugh gets a couple of people looking at them "You want me to help you get a girl like Zoe Murphy?"

There's a nod from Evan. "Just tell me what to say and stuff."

"Considering the fact that I've never seen you at a school dance and that if you completely mess up I get to hold it against you, yes."  Evan's starting to overthink but Jared agreeing is a good thing.

"Just go up to her and make everything creepy sound presentable. Don't say 'I stalk you all the time and was wondering if you would go out with me say 'I've seen you around and I think you're cool.'"

Evan pasues, "That kind of makes sense."

Jared nods, "I know. I'm smart."

He resists the urge to roll his eyes. "Do I to her?"

"That's usually how conversations start."

Evan glances over at her again. Her hair is in curls, falling over face and she's wearing a violet dress that reminds Evan of something a queen would wear. All he can do is fixate and wonder how he's even functioning.

After a few minutes he gets the confidence to approach her.

"Basically uh I've seen you around and I was wondering if you wanted to dance? I mean like with me. Obviously, I mean who else would you dance with? I mean- that came out wrong. You can dance with whoever you want. Don't feel like you have to say yes though because you don't. You won't hurt my feelings or anything, it's okay."

Her smile falters. "I would love to, but Alana and I promised each other we would enjoy our last dance as friends and not worry about guys."

"Oh, shit. Yeah, that's great. I'm really sorry to bother you."

Evan walks in the opposite direction not sure where he's going and only thinking about getting away from Zoe and not ruining this more than he already has.

He nearly runs into Jared who's holding a cup of fruit punch. "Dude, what happened. You were actually forming words for once."

"Apparently she and Alana are here as friends and she doesn't want to offend her or something.. I don't know. I think she was just saying that to make me feel better."

Jared rolls his eyes and hands Evan the cup, "No one's spiked the punch yet."

Evan examines his face trying to make sense of it. " I think I'm just going to go home."

He stares back, "You're leaving just because the girl you're obsessed with is a total lesbain?"

Evan does his best to look annoyed but he can tell it looks closer to exhausted. "I don't think you're supposed to talk about people like that."

"It's not insulting if it's true. It's like when I call you a loser."

"I don't have any reason to stay, and I'm pretty sure she's bisexual."

"You should stay, it might be better than being bored. Who knows, you might actually have fun."

Evan lets Jared drag him to a nearby table and after a few minutes of silence he finally asks, "What's the point of dances?"

Jared glances at him interrupted from his train of thought. "The only thing you can do at a school dance is act like a complete idiot or watch other people act like idiots."

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