Chapter 2

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New chapter for you guys :D

Enjoy xx <3


I woke up curled up in the duvet. I turned to see what time it was.


I threw the duvet off me and found that I was still in my clothes from last night. Then it dawned on me what had actually happened last night. All the memories came flooding back to me. The emotions from last night flowing through my body.

I tried to stay calm. I couldn't go through that again. I opened up my cupboard doors and found something to wear. I slipped out of my dress and threw it into the corner of the room and put on my onesie. I needed some comfort today and that was certainly a good start.

I slumped down the stairs and found the others in the living room watching some programme on tele.

“Hey Soph how are you?” Rachel asked looking slightly worried at what my answer may be.

“I'm OK I guess.” I could tell by the look on her face that she knew I was lying but I don't think she wanted to bring it up in front of the guys.

“Well if you ask me you're better off without him. You can do much better than him Soph.” if anyone was going to say that to me I would have put money on it being Lucas. Rachel nudged him in the ribs I assume for saying what he said. I didn't mind though it made me laugh.

“Well after what he did I think you're right Luc.” I smiled at him to reassure him that I wasn't upset by what he said. I started to head off into the kitchen, I was starving. “I'm making a bacon butty, anyone want anything from the kitchen?”

“Ooooh could I have one as well please.” Rachel was almost watering at the mouth.

“Me two.”

“I'll come help you Soph.”

“Thanks Conor.”

We went into the kitchen and I got the grill try out of the cupboard whilst Conor fetched the bacon from the fridge.

“Are you sure you're OK Soph?”

“To be honest Conor, not really. I mean how could he?” tears were starting to form at my eyes. Conor wrapped his arms around my waist and gently squeezed me.

“He's must be mad Soph if he did that to you. I know it will be hard but I think you need to forget about him. Luc was right, you're better off without him.”

“Thanks Conor. I guess we better get these bacon butties done before them two get all over each other.” Conor sniggered and helped me do the butties.

We decided on watching the football that was on. I didn't mind watching it but I think Rachel was a little bit annoyed at our decision. She flung her legs onto Lucas' lap and started messing around with her phone.

I snuggled up on the armchair and tucked into my butty. It was like heaven. Nothing like a bacon butty to start your day off. Whenever we went on a night out we'd always come back in and have a bacon butty.

I told myself that there is no point in crying any more over some jerk that broke my heart. He's ruined everything but he's not going to ruin my life any more.

My phone had been going off every 10 minutes either with a call or a text from him. Today I just wanted to have time with my mates and have a drama free day. I know I would have to deal with this at college tomorrow but I just needed some time.

I don't know why but my eyes were becoming really heavy and I was struggling to keep them open. I must have had quite a good sleep last night because I don't remember Rachel leaving my room or anything, but I wasn't going to fight it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2013 ⏰

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