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Students have four-eighty minute periods daily equivalent of eight hours and it is equally divided for all of your subjects.

Over forty-five courses are provided on your school, depending upon a student's past record, at least six of eight periods are devoted to core requirements in Science, Social Science, Physical Education and Health, English and Foreign Language, and here, where letters and numbers joined forces to haunt students until their peaceful dreams, presenting...Mathematics!

Nope. For some reason, yes you agree that it actually bring students to indeed experience the needlemaking life, some even said when math time arrives, you can taste the hell, but you strongly oppose the second one.

Mathematics exists not for everyone of us to like and be interested, heck if that's an actual person what would it say? As if it even like you either way.

So, as Mathematics lover, respecting others point of view on math was one in your mind. You can't forbid them to hate it though because you fully understand them since you experienced it too, so the least you can do is give assistance to others when they ask for help.

“after this, what's next? Does my calculations were correct or I missed some parts?.” Yeonjun utter, eyes not leaving the paper with scribbled numbers and symbols on his desk. Brows furrowing, thinking deeply if he indeed made some errors and will definitely back to the very very top if maybe, praying solemnly not to.

The room was filled with deep sighs, complaints, groanings and painful complaints. Your math teacher temporarily left because of a call, so all scattered around to different corners, grabbing the chance, hurrying for different reasons.

There's some taking pictures, making a DIY xerox copy of the original paper of the other, or simply asking that makes the classroom seems a beehive.  Murmur there, murmur everywhere.

At school, the way students asked was divided into three categories, namely the,

“where is final answer? Oh this.”

The D.T.P. - or the direct to the point, in this category, students tend to ask or find the equal sign where the answers are, that they're so naive to know that they need the solution for it.

“let me have a look, thanks. ”

G.W.Y.S. - some students asked the owner of the paper if they're allowed to copy but immediately starts before the owner had their chance to respond, Go Without Your Signal....

And lastly...

W.T.L. - they are the students that asked for help, throughout the part that they don't understand, they'll probably go to experts and are Willing To Learn...
but only few do this since they said that it's a waste of time. And their famous lines were,

“is this correct? Oh no I'm probably wrong.”

( lol I'm low-key on the third category but there were times that my brain dries so I prolly annoyed my fat-brained classmate😅 but I promise I have an average IQ.)

“no, just this part. You need to substitute this variable into number two because it's the next we must use.  Yeah, that part inside the column.” you pointed as Yeonjun followed your index finger on the paper. And an ‘oh right!’ was heard once he spotted it, immediately using that number to solve for the last part. At last.

While he's solving, you instinctively turned to your own paper and saw that you must use markers to highlight your answers, so you also turned for your bag and found the thing on the slightly spacious part of your bag. Your markers was originally in a standing position but now it's diagonally arranged.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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