before reading

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so to put it simple im trying to get back into writing, trying my best over here, updates will be really weird and all that, but here's some info



what they look like, hybrid wise:

ranboo(ghast and endermen hybrid): its more of natural split between the white and black so it's not just straight down the middle, white dream smile pupils, the picture above is a type of burn and ranboo has them all over his left side/endermen side, from his eyebrows  to his hips (that also means his arm), about 9 long thin tails that start at the same place that fluffs at the end(GHAST B B).

tubbo(bee and goat hybrid): to much fucking hair, can't see eyes, even if  you could you would see nuclear warning sign in his eyes, starting to grow horns, bee antennas, goat like ears, and a small pair of bee wings.

tommy(raccoon and bird hybrid): so many fucking bandages, raccoon ears, raccoon tail, no wings yet :(, PAW BEANS, claws(?), and why the fuck are his teeth so sharp.

phil(bird hydrid):we know what this man looks like, but he looks actually kinda old

techno(piglin hybrid): im sorry but hoofs, TINY PIG TAIIIILLLL, really long ears with gold jewelry, snout.

wilbur(fish boi): webbed fingers, fishy ears, scales, not a tail on his back dont know what you're talking about, gills.

this is kinda messed up, im just shit at tw :')

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