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The kitchen was simple it was a light yellow almost white, with a kitchen counter that went along the wall, only to stop at the corner then continue  along to the door, in the middle of the kitchen was a marble tabble, it was quite pretty, but it did have a sign taped to it "dont...sit...on...the......tabble? Well now i just have to!!" it had been so long since tommy read, well anything.

Once tommy had fully sat down on the table, tubbo had came and backhanded him in the head. "ow, what the fuck tubso-"

Moving on ranboo walked into the front room was quite nice, this time that walls were a dark green. A very dark green. It had a few bean bag chairs laying around, a fewchairs here and there a bookshelf, once ranboo looked closer at the bookshelf he notice the book 'art of war...huh? Dont think ive read that before...' yeeaahhh ranboo was a book worm. Maybe if ranboo stays here he can pick up book making!! What is he even talking about...in the corner of his eye, he noticed a little door in the wall, maybe he could fit in there,  he'll give it a try later.

meanwhile. Tommy was looking around outside, he didnt get a reall good look at it before, after going outside from the kitchen door he turned to his right and saw a....potato farm..? Might i add a really big potato farm..."heh?! You are you?" snapped out of past thoughts by what seemed to be a piglin hybrid, now that he thinks about it, that phil guys did say someone was in the backyard, what did he say his name was tech, beck? I dont know man. "tommy innit the great."


"are you one of the kids phil might be adopting?"

Im tring to post ok, and im working on a little goat chapter, so eeeeeeeee

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