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The true awakening takes place from within-Unknown

"Awaken child"

I slowly opened my eyes. I was in some kind of tube. I slowed down and looked around. It was so cold here.

"We need to go child" It was a woman's voice. It felt like she was talking into my head. I slowly reached out and pushed the tube open. There was a loud hissing noise and I fell forward face first and the metal floor.

I slowly got up and looked around. It was some kind of facility with tubes like the one I was in but they had all been shattered. I looked down. I had no shoes on, just a black bodysuit and had a bronze sword design stitched onto the left side of my thigh.

"Hurry child you must leave this wretched place" I could hear anger and fear in her voice. Whoever she was, she was not a fan. I looked back at the tube that I had been stuck in. I had no memory of who I was or where I was from. There was a small sign with letters on it that said Anastasia Queenheart aged twenty-two. Is that me? I thought I was so confused there was a voice in my head telling me to go and I couldn't remember anything before waking up in the tube.

The place I had been at had been long since abandoned. I made my way through the facility. It was old and decrepit. There was smashed glass everywhere along with wires hanging from the ceiling. There were dents and holes in the walls along with claw marks. Whatever did this on a complete rampage.

"Take the next left child you will be brought to the surface"

That same angelic voice again I didn't know why but I felt like I could trust her. I slowly made my way up to the ladder and started climbing.

"Who are you? The voice in my head?

"It matters not who am I but your safety right now"

Okay, that was helpful. I thought she wanted to keep quiet about her identity. "What is this place?" " A place of death the worst things that walk the face of the earth came from here however It has long since been abandoned"

I slowly pushed the hatch open and stepped outside. It was a little bit warmer outside. I was in some kind of alley. I looked around and the walls were covered in graffiti and symbols I couldn't understand. I slowly walked out of the alley and when I saw it there were buildings higher than the eye could see, however, they were mostly destroyed. The wasn't a single sign of life anywhere. Cars had been either destroyed or abandoned, the shops were smashed up or inaccessible. It was late afternoon by the looks of it but what was this place? I heard a ton of noise and I immediately slipped back into the alley and hid behind a dumpster. I quietly watched as a group rode past me. They were covered in blue war paint. The top half of their bodies were human but the bottom part was a horse they yelled and cheered as they disappeared down the road.

"What the hell was that"

"It was a centaur child"

"A Cena-what now"

"A beast that is half man half horse the are the fastest animals on land and the best hunters they speak a very old tongue you should avoid them at all costs"

Avoid them at all costs huh how am I supposed to do that when I don't even know where I am. This is exhausting I slowly peaked out of the alley and took another look around I didn't see anyone or anything before I could take another step the voice in my head chimed in "take a right child I will act as your guide to help you find an old friend of mine" this was a lot of bitterness in her tone when she said that whoever this friend as she wasn't a fan of them either. I slowly moved through the city. It was the same scenery: destroyed buildings, overgrown trees and wrecked cars every once in a while I would have to hide from another group of centaurs.

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