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Did I die six years ago?! how? What happened? How am I even alive? I asked the leader but his face didn't change in the slightest.

"I can't tell you there are higher powers at work here and you don't want to piss them off besides even if I wanted to tell you I couldn't. "His voice was cold and tempered. He sounded angry but he was trying very hard to hide it.

I watched him. He was a complete mystery to me yet I felt like I knew him. I didn't know or well remember from where but I definitely knew him. He gave me one more look and then he turned around and started walking towards the exit. The rest of them also followed right behind him. I silently decided to follow them; they were my only hope at this point. We headed outside back to the street and standing in front of us were five horses, one grey, one white, one chestnut, another white one with dots all over it and one that was pure black. They all climbed up to their horses and I was just standing watching. The leader looked at me and extended his hand towards me. I carefully put my hand in his hand and he pulled me on the black horse like it was nothing.

"Hold on to my waist tightly, we got a lot of ground to cover," he said as I wrapped my arms around his waist. I could feel his abs along my hands.

He looked at me over his shoulder and smiled and said "You know I can feel you feeling me upright?" in an amusing tone.

I didn't mean to you told me to hold your waist and its not my fault you have abs" I replied a little annoyed by his tone

He started roaring with laughter as well as his friends. I looked back and all of them were laughing except for one, she was silent but I could tell she was smiling. I appreciated she didn't laugh like the rest but I'm never admitting that out loud.

"Ummm quick question, who are you guys by the way? It would be nice if I could give you names or address you again?"

"Oops, I thought we told you alright the girl with the mask is Lieutenant Ichikai Mizuki we just call her Mizuki she's our hand-to-hand expert and also expert in all types of weapons like batons, bats, brass knuckles, nunchucks, swords, knives the list goes on. Next up is Master Chief Adriano "Priest" Vento the one on the grey horse with the cross and fedora that makes him look like a douchebag he's pretty much our version of Jesus he's our chef and he can recite the bible word for word hence the nickname Priest. That handsome dark-skinned gentleman on the chestnut horse is Sergeant Major Andres "Frostbite" Brown, our lead engineer and the one with the shortest fuse. Long ears on the polka dot horse is Petty officer first class Arlayna "Lady Luck" Gilrieth but you can just call her Long ears. She's the team's fence and sniper you need anything she can get it for you"

"Hey Captain that's rude my ears aren't that long," she said in an annoyed tone her ears were a sensitive subject so I decided not to call her that

"I mean yeah they kind of are"

"What about you Captain, what's your name? I looked at him and waited for his response. He didn't say anything for a second before "my name is Captain Azreal Kingslayer. It's a nice name isn't it Anastasia Queenheart?"

"I..sure? I guess?" I wasn't sure how to reply to that sentence but I decided not to insult him. What's your background, anyway you all have unique names so I'm just curious?"

"Well, I'm Sikh which is funny because I'm supposed to be a lot tanner than this but my skin is whiter than snow. Priest is Italian, Mizuki is half Japanese, the other half is confidential for now, Frostbite is African American, and long ears over there is Half Spanish and half-elf. You are half French and half Spanish

Confidential huh I didn't say it out loud but it was interesting. It looks like the Captain didn't care about backgrounds at all; it was cool. He looked forward and pulled the reins and we started moving forward we started slow but we picked up speed rather quickly and the next thing I knew the world around me became a blur it was so hard to describe the wind in my face along with the scenery slowly changing it was amazing we slowly headed deeper into the city It was crazy to think that these cities were once so full of life now it abandoned. "Ummm Captain where exactly are we?" I yelled over the wind "we are in the former remains of New York City. "What was it in New York City?" "it was known as the place where one could find themselves or make something more apparently five million people lived here before its collapse It was known as the Big apple back during its time Frostbite grew up here"

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