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POV- Tsukishima 

I woke up slowly and smiled as I saw Kageyama cuddled up into my chest. He was still out like a log and to be quite honest I didn't want to move either. I know now that I have a crush on him but I really don't want to be in a relationship right now. It's not because Kageyama isn't cute or amazing or kind but it's because I don't want to get attached again. 

I know that Kageyama would never do that to me but I just want to be cautious. I can't deal with being broken again. I've fallen for Kageyama super fast as well, that means I will probably be more attached to him so if he leaves...

My thoughts were broken by Kageyama yawning. I looked at his cute face and smiled. He has a cute little button nose and his cheeks look so plump and soft, I just want to pinch them. His hair is so silky and his lips have a natural pink tint. He looks very feminine but somehow it makes him look even more fierce. 

'Why are you awake? It's like still super early.... come here!' Kageyama announced. He put his arms around my neck and pulled me into his chest. I could tell that the fatigue was making him do things he usually wouldn't. He is so cute so I decided to listen to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled into his chest, slowly falling asleep once again. 

I woke up to the feeling of someone petting my head. I couldn't be bothered to open my eyes so I just pretended to sleep when I heard Kageyama speak to himself. 'You are so cute yet handsome. Please how am I supposed to keep calm with you around when you're so perfect.' Kageyama was mumbling things after that so I couldn't hear him anymore.

I blushed hard and tried not to move. It would be embarrassing for both of us if he knew I heard him. I can't believe he feels that way about me. I think that means he likes me too but I'm not too sure. I couldn't help but want to kiss him. That's when I realised that supressing my feelings probably isn't the best way to deal with my insecurities. 

I sighed and pretended to just be waking up. When I opened my eyes I saw Kageyama blushing hard, probably hoping I didn't hear him. 'Morning!' He said cheerfully, his hair ruffled all over and his cheeks pink. I blushed hard. God I want to wake up to this everyday. 'Morning.' I replied smiling softly. 

'I'll go shower then you go go next! Or do you want to go first? I'm not picky!' Kageyama spoke. I was shocked from the amount of energy he had. I was still half a sleep. 'You can shower first! I'll just scroll through Tiktok or something!' I spoke in a happier tone than usual. Kageyama just had that affect on me, I could be dying but he'd make me feel happier. 

Kageyama nodded before picking up a change of clothes and heading to his shower. I smiled slightly before giggling. I just felt so happy. Little squeals came out of my mouth before I calmed down and picked up my phone. 

I opened my phone and my mood immediately dropped. I got a message from my father. 

'I heard you're at a sleepover? Is it with a guy or girl? Make sure not to turn into one of those homosexuals or else I'll have to give you even more lessons on how to be a real man. Your mother said you should be back soon. You need to start messaging me like a real man? What kind of boy can't message his own father? Don't respond, I just wanted to warn you.' The text from my father read.

I felt tears swell up as I shook. I am so fucking scared of him. It's so pathetic, he is short, not even that well built but when I am around him I just freeze up completely. I try to fight back, I swear I really do, but my body won't let me. I panic. Overthink. That's why I am a complete fuck up.

I heard Kageyama switch of the water and quickly wipe my tears. I get out my towel and the change of clothes Kageyama gave me. Kageyama walks out sending me a warm smile and I feel myself instantly relax. I smile back before heading over to the bathroom for my shower. 

I shower, brush my teeth and all of that before stepping out of the shower. I hear some tiktok's playing and smile when I see Kageyama cuddling a cute stuff toy while scrolling through Tiktok. He obviously didn't notice me as he jumped when he saw me looking at him. He hid the toy but he was to late as I already saw it. 

'uhhh uhhh uhhh it's not what it looks like! I-I don't play with toys anymore, I just found it and-' Kageyama spoke in a state of panic. I cut him of quickly, 'It's fine Kags, I also have some toys of my own, you don't need to hide it.' I reassured him. He smiled before hesitantly pulling his stuffed teddy out and cuddling it again. He had a cute small smile plastered on his face which made me smile. 

I put down my spare towel and the pyjamas Kageyama lent me before hoping into the bed with him. A few minutes passed before Kageyama sat up as if he suddenly remembered something. 

'Hey, Tsuki I wanted to ask you something, it may be uncomfortable but please be honest and remember I won't judge you.' Kageyama spoke slowly. I also sat up, a little worried about what he was planning to ask me. I nodded as a sign for him to continue. 'Well... you seem to have a lot of injures and I was wondering if you could tell me where they came from...' Kageyama spoke softly.


Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. 

Did I make it that obvious? I thought I hid it well?

What the actual fuck am I meant to say now. 


Word count: 1040

I hope you enjoyed kiddos 🤪! A little bit of a cliff-hanger lol :D

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