2- Panda & Games

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Upon hearing the girl's comment, her patience was lost. "You're right... I don't even know why I'm being so polite to you."

"Maybe it's because... Oh I don't know.... You feel guilty because you quite literally knocked me out with your stupid car door."

"Just shut up for once. Where do I have to go?" Danielle said in a harsh tone. At this point, she didn't care if this girl ruined her life, reputation or work.; she was tired of her rude and bitchy remarks and so she drove until they reached a 'nice' neighborhood.

The houses here were normal. Most of them were the ideal home with the white picket fence and nice pivot door. However, at the moment Danielle didn't care; she was tired, and it was 2 a.m. The auburn-haired girl had filming the next day and this wasn't exactly ideal. As she pulled into the garage, she noticed two white vans circling the same street and she knew it wasn't a coincidence. Paparazzi.

Without thinking, she parked her car inside and hid in the girl's garage. Kaylee walked into her home until Dani grabbed her hand and wished this would all work out in her favor.

"Look I know you don't like me, but I need help. There's paparazzi around and this will become a huge scandal. Give me one of your family's cars or let me sleep here and I'll be gone by morning. You pick."

"How about you just get out and take a couple of pictures. You take them every day. I don't see the problem here..."

"Please help me out here Kaylee B." Danielle looked into her eyes, and they softened. She seemed calmer and with a groan, decided to let her stay. The relief she felt was something else, almost like a nice breath after a long run. And, after a few minutes of searching, Kaylee gave Danielle a sleeping bag and some clothes to stay the night. Even if she didn't like her, there was no reason to be impolite.

Dani got comfortable on the garage floor and slept the night, calmer than ever before. The sky was starting to turn lighter, and the young actress woke up at 4:00 am making her way around the house, trying to find Kaylee's room.

After a few minutes, and lots of wrong rooms she reached the light purple room where Kaylee shivered. And as much as Dani wanted to cover her with as many blankets as she could find, she shook her awake to say her goodbye.

"I have to go Kaylee B."

"Yeah, well too bad cause I was just starting to like you."

While letting out a small chuckle, Danielle shook her head. "It's time for me to go. Remember, you can't tell anyone about this."

"I know. Goodbye diva."

The nickname had Danielle smiling, but she had to leave now and so she walked away without looking back. The young actress walked towards the garage and drove her car away from it all. On her way home, she only thought of her girlfriend. She hadn't told her anything or warned her. She must've been worried sick.

Danielle drove, no matter how many things she had in mind, she drove because that's all she had left and as she got further from Kaylee's home she felt the same as she had. Like a caged animal, like someone who doesn't belong. What she didn't know was that three paparazzi vans were still following her and taking pictures of her every move.

After half an hour the young actress arrived at her lovely mansion with only one thought in mind, her girlfriend. She ignored the maids, the cooks and even the mess there was in her living room. Skipping steps, Dani finally arrived at her bedroom where she saw her girlfriend half-asleep. However, that did not stop her from planting a soft kiss on her lips.

My Biggest Hater: A Daylee StoryWhere stories live. Discover now