Drama Club stuff - Chapter 17

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Pico POV:
I went sit on the bench to take a break after the math lesson, yes it was that hard. I was sitting there minding my own business
"Good morning there, Pico"
This is Keith, he is the leader of the drama club and also kinda rule over the school, he is also my tutor, hes shorter than me gonna be honest but he hates when I mentioned that, gonna admit he looked cute
"Oh hi, whatcha doing here"
"I wanna ask," He sat next to me
"Today tutor is on my office"
"Uh okay? Why not the library? "
"..I wanna talk about the club, the drama club, you know about the screaming and fighting, what happened there? "
Gosh I completely forgot he is also the leader of the drama club
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"You know, what about we talked it on the office?"
"Fine fine whatever"
"That's what I thought" He tapped me on the shoulder
"I gotta go, see you abit"
"K bye"
He walk off, I sat there alone
'I wonder what he is doing right now..' Then he school bell rings 'oh gosh..' I stood up and went to my class
After school, I walked through the hallways to go to his office, I knocked on his office door
"Come in"
I came in, I sat on the chair
"So, About the tutor is gonna be later, now about the drama club, what really happen there? " He asked
"Well uhm.. Its just that Andrew wanted my role but we all random pick our role and not allowed to change it, we began fighting and someone stopped us"
"Oh Andrew? He wanted to switch roles with you?"
"Yes sir"
"Oh okay, he should've just asked me instead of fighting you"
"B-but keith in one of the drama club rules students must not allowed to change their roles after picking it"
"It's just a simple change, why do you even care?"
"I-its just that, we aren't allowed to break the rules"
"It's just a simple rule!"
He pinned me through the walls, My face lit up
"I-Im sorry-!" I apologize
I stared at his eyes, it looked beautiful, he is really handsome..
He grabbed my cheeks and slowly his hands move down and grabbed my waist
"S-sir I.. " I stare at his face, our face was really close and it looked like were about to kis-
"O-oh!" He slowly backed away
"S-sorry pico.."
"I-its fine"
We stood there for a while and I was still processing what was happening
"Okay, tutor dismissed. "
"B-but sir we haven't-"
He pushed me outside and slammed the door
'O-okay that just happened'
I walked all across the hallway to my dorm, I opened the door and went inside, I lay on the bed and started thinking, then I realized about the book 'Oh my god!' I stood up quickly and trying to find the book inside my bag, I couldn't find it.
'Oh shit..'
'I think I might left it on Keith room after that one night I was borrowing his..'
My face went red 'Oh gosh.. Why did I asked him to borrow one of his shirt..'
'Argh! I don't care! Tomorrow I'll go to his room and grabbed my book back!'
I lay on the bed and silently curses
'Ugh.. I'll went to sleep' I slept
The next day
I slowly opened my eyes and it was 7 PM '10 minutes left-!?' I quickly got up and change my clothes as fast to my uniform, I grabbed my bag and quickly ran through the hallways and went to the theater, I was running out of breath
"Late again?"
"S-sorry sir.."
"Next time, be early"
He walked up to me and stood me up
"Oh look! The loser is late again!" The others laugh
"Ugh.." I silently curses
"Come on sit down, Pico"
"Okay sir.."
I was kinda pissed, I sat down

After the class, we were moving to other class, I was grabbing my stuff on the theater and all of a sudden I turn front and I saw a face, it scared the fuck out of me
"Ah!" I scream
"Oh! Sorry!" One of the girl said
"So, your name is pico?" She asked
"Yeah, okay gotta go bye"
And I felt a tight grip on my hand
"W-wait! I'm Jenny nice to meet you.."
"Nice meeting you too I guess, sorry gotta go see you"
I walked away,
After class it's lunch time
I sat on the bench all by myself and I saw that girl again sat next to me
"H-hi there!" She said
"Hi" I continue eating my lunch
"S-so, Can y-"
"Hey there"
"Oh hey there Keith"
"Look, you got something on you cheek.." He grabbed my cheek and wiped it out, I realized he was so close to my face so my face went red
"O-oh thank you.."
He stare at me looking like I'm weird or something
"Don't tell me you forgot to tie your tie.." He reminded me
"Wait wha?" I check and my tie wasn't really tied yet
"O-Oh! I forgot!"
He went up close to me and began tie up my tie
'Oh gosh his face is so close to me-! '
My face started heating up

Jenny POV:
'Oh god dang it! That dumb bitch stupid pet teacher kept getting closer to him!'
I sat there silent

Pico POV:
After he tied it up
"There you go"
"T-thanks Keith.."
"Okay, I gotta go see you Pico!"
"Yeah see you"
He walked away, the school bell rang
I stood up and walked away

Jenny POV:
'God dang it that stupid school bell ugh!!'

Pico POV:
I was walking through the hallway and I got pushed on the ground
"Argh!" I complained
"Oh look! It is the loser"
"What do you want!?" I yelled
He grabbed me by my shirt
"To punch you" He threw me onto the walls
"Hey stop there." A familiar voice
"O-oh! S-sorry Keith, we didn't mean to-"
"Silence! If you two ever bully him again I will do things to you guys!"
"Pico, are you okay?" He went close to me
"Y-yeah, I'm fine"
"Glad your okay, you got some bruises on your knees, let's go to the nurse office" He stood me up
"Thanks Keith.."
We walked to the nurse office
After I get bandage and stuff,
"Thanks Keith for helping me"
"Yeah it's fine, let's go to class together" He held my hands
"Sure" I smiled
We walked to class together
After school, I have a schedule cleaning the theater at 2 PM, so I went to the theater and began cleaning

Keith POV:
I was walking to check on the theater if they were actually cleaning the class, I opened the door and saw Pico was bending down sweeping the floor by himself, when he bend down, I couldnt stop looking at him
My face started to heating up
"Hey there, Pico"

Pico POV:
"Hi there Keith" I continue sweeping the floor
"Sorry to interrupted, I went here to check if you were doing your duty"
"Oh it's fine"
"Okay bye" He left
'Wow, he left that quickly' I continue sweeping and I heard a door creak opened
"Hey there Pico, sorry if I'm late"
"Oh hey there, it's fine, here you dusted all the shelf"
"O-okay" I handed the duster to her
We started cleaning and I realized she was too short to dust the upper lever
"Don't worry, I got this" I grabbed the duster and began dusting the upper shelf

Jenny POV:
'Wow.. Not only he is tall and handsome but also really kind, I LOVE HIM!'

Pico POV:
"There, you can continue"
I continue sweeping the floor ,
After the cleaning duty, I went to my dorm and lay on my bed and proceed to slept for 4 hours,
I woke up and it was 7 PM
'Gosh I forgot to go to Keith's room and get my book back..'
I stood up and went to his dorm, after I arrived
I knocked then doors
"Come in"
I opened the door and went inside
"So what do you want?"
"W-well I forgot to brought my book that I left on your room.."
"Oh it's fine, go grab it"
I went to his bed and grab my book,
"You know I gotta tell you something before were not alone again.."
"What is it..?" I looked concerned
"You know that I.."
"..Its nothing"
"Uhm.. Okay.."
I grab the book and stood up, I walked away, then I felt a tight grip on my hands
I turned back
"Its just that.."
He went silent for a while
"Love you!"
My eyes widen,
"L-love me..?"
I went up close to his face and kissed him on the lips for a second
"Love you too"
I giggle, He wrapped his arms around me and began to hugged.


1514 words,
I have no idea for the title ok

Pico x Boyfriend/Keith Oneshots (18+) Where stories live. Discover now