Chapter 5

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              "You need to get out of bed Charlotte, It's just the second day of school and you've already started this again". Brenda said pulling Charlotte's leg. "No, no way Brenda. Do you know how complicated my life has become in just a day?, Brenda in just a day, Lexi's first words to me were that I needed fashion advice, Kyle stood up for me and Lexi made me pay for it by gluing me to my chair, I was bullied online and given a new nickname, and now Kyle has threatened to break up with Lexi because of me which could only worsen my situation. I'm bad luck for Miranda, I only make things worse for her. I'm just.........." . " Special, Charlotte you are special. That's what you are.  You're not a bad person and neither are you bad luck to Miranda. It's just basic High school drama, it'll be fine" Brenda consoled Charlotte.
  "Ok fine I get it, I'm special just like you said. Now please can you leave I need to get back to sleep. Thank you". Charlotte said dryly. "Nope, that's not happening". Brenda said and began pulling her legs while Charlotte screamed and held on to her pillow.
             Chef Broussard who had been hearing noises from upstairs, went up and found out that the noises were from Charlotte's room. He entered and met Brenda pulling Charlotte's legs, and Charlotte holding on to her pillow like her life depended on it. "Sacrè bleu, what's going on here. What's the matter Brenda?". Chef Broussard asked shocked. "It's Charlotte Chef, she has refused to get out of bed and she's almost late for school". Brenda replied as she was beginning to get fed up with Charlotte's drama. "I mean, seriously, here I am trying to drag a sixteen-year-old girl out of bed. When I was her age, I was willing and able to fend for myself. I didn't grow up in a huge mansion with servants at my beck and call, I wasn't surrounded by riches that all I had to do was choose. My parents were separated and that left me, as the first child to cater to my sick mother and four other siblings. She died anyways, leaving me with more burdens than I could bear". She paused for a moment, holding back tears, but continued. " But you, you've got it all. What don't you have? You've got everything a child your age desires but most importantly, you have a chance. A chance at education, I would have killed for such an opportunity when I was your age".Brenda said and left the room.
                There was silence. Charlotte and Chef just stared at each other until Charlotte started sobbing. "That wasn't good mon amie. What you did was wrong. Charlotte, you know we can't keep putting up with your excesses. We are here to serve but things also get to us. We are humans too Charlotte. The sooner you stop this, the better it will be for everybody. I'm going to give you this little piece of advice before I leave because I'm pretty sure the chicken you're supposed to have for breakfast is burning in the oven. Charlotte, you have such a beautiful name and you're an even more beautiful person both in attitude and looks. It doesn't matter how you look. It doesn't matter what they say about your personality. It sure doesn't matter how humiliated you get. What matters is who you are on the inside. An inside not many but few people can see. Your personality makes you who you are and that will never change". Chef concluded. "Thanks, Chef" Charlotte said trying to clean up her tears. "You're welcome mon amie. Now go get ready for school. I'll go check on Brenda." Chef said as he left the room.
Charlotte dried up her eyes, took a shower, and put on a robe. She resolved that this was the day she was going to change. She was going to gather up all the advice she had been given and make an impact with it. She knew she couldn't do it without someone and that someone was Brenda. At that point, someone knocked at the door and opened it. It was Brenda. "Hey Charlie, I just wanted to apologize for my outburst earlier. I shouldn't have spoken that way to you and I'm sorry" Brenda apologised. " No Brenda, you don't have to apologise. I know I can be a handful at times but I'm just trying to work out my messed-up teenage life. I'm sorry for giving you such a hard time" Charlotte apologized to Brenda.                                                                            "Alright it's okay. You're forgiven". Now that we're done with that, why are your clothes all on the floor?". Brenda asked looking at all the clothes on the floor. "Um........ I decided to change my look. You know, look different for a change". Charlotte confessed. " Woah...... that's........well that's quite brave of you. But do you think changing the way you look will change who you are on the inside?" . Brenda asked. "It's a start I guess. At least it shows some improvement. You know the saying 'You are what you wear'. I want to dress the way I want to be addressed". Charlotte replied. "I'm glad you've finally come to this conclusion Charlotte. Have you found anything to wear yet?" Brenda inquired. "No I haven't and I'm running so late". Charlotte sighed. Brenda stared at Charlotte for a while and finally said, "Follow me downstairs Charlotte, I want to show you something". Charlotte obeyed and followed Brenda down the stairs.
                 They walked on until they got to the basement. Brenda opened the door and turned on the lights to reveal a dim, dusty basement with cobwebs and lots of cardboard boxes. There were stairs leading down to a creepy balcony. Brenda switched on her torch and gestured for Charlotte to come with her. "No way I'm going down there. Why are we doing this in the first place? Where are we going? Charlotte inquired in a shaky voice. "You'll know soon enough. For now, just follow me. Now hold my hand, you big baby". Brenda said as Charlotte grabbed her arm and they went down the stairs. They finally got to a door. The door looked old and dusty. It was then that Charlotte realized that her house was much bigger than she knew. Brenda took out a key from her dress and inserted the key into the lock and the door opened, then she switched on the lights.
                  To say that this room was 'Heaven on Earth' would be an understatement. Charlotte's jaw dropped, and her chest pumped as she stared at the room in utmost bewilderment. It was a large hall filled with designer outfits. It was beautiful beyond her wildest dreams. The walls were painted white and had gold chandeliers and designs in cold. The room was the largest closet she had ever seen. Filled with clothes, shoes, bags,  and accessories, from different designers around the world. "Brenda!!!!!, Brenda!!!!!!!, Start talking or I'll die of shock". Charlotte yelled. "Now calm down Charlotte. Let me explain. This was all your Mum and Shane's doing". Brenda said. "Shane? My mum? Why would they store this collection of gorgeous clothes down here? How come they still look so new after all this time? This must be my Mum's secret wardrobe of gorgeous outfits. I can't believe she hid this from me". Charlotte stated in amazement as she moved across the room, admiring the room and all its content.
               "Charlotte, all these clothes...belong to you". Brenda admitted. " How can it be". Charlotte inquired, stuttering and almost out of breath. " If you had let me finish, you would have known that Your Mum, Shane and I connived to get you your collection of clothes. We were worried about you wearing the same type of outfits but your Mum was convinced you would change your mind one day. Shane used his influence to get you some but most of them are from your Mum. We decided that we wouldn't force you to change and you would do so when you were ready, and when you were ready, my job was to reveal this room for you and help you pick out your first outfit". Brenda explained. Brenda went on to further explain how Shane, as a lover of fashion and a person who loved his sister dearly, bought clothes from different countries, and her Mum, Derilia, also got clothes from every place she went for a performance. "The longer it took for you to come out of your shell, the more massive the wardrobe became, and that's why the clothes are so much". Brenda concluded. "Wow. I'll make sure to thank them for this. I would have loved to stay here and ask more questions but as you said,  I'm running late already, so help me pick out an outfit for today". Charlotte said with enthusiasm.
                And so began the series of trying on different clothes, with Brenda giving her honest opinion on each one she tried. Charlotte kept on trying on clothes as Brenda turned towards the shoe closet in search of a shoe for Charlotte. "Brenda, how's this?". Charlotte asked gesturing for Brenda to turn and have a look at her outfit. Brenda turned to look at Charlotte and her mouth fell open. The shoes in her hands fell to the floor, she was dumbfounded. "Oh my God! You look just like Derilia". Brenda exclaimed.  Charlotte wore her long down and it was so lush and silky smooth. She wore a red fitted knee gown with long sleeves and silver diamond heels. "I do? Woah! But I don't think this dress is appropriate for school. I look so formal". Charlotte pointed out. "Yeah you're right, but you look gorgeous right now. You know what, take off the dress, I'll keep it for your prom night, but keep the heels though". Brenda advised. "Take this, it will go great with those heels". Brenda said, handing her black jeans and a huge white polo top. She helped Charlotte with her hair and allowed it to fall freely, showcasing its full length.
                When all was done and dusted, Charlotte looked stunning. She realized she had thirty minutes left to get to school and she quickly hurried to the kitchen. As she moved to the kitchen, the maids and stewards all turned to look at her just to make sure it was Charlotte and not some intruder. They smiled and commented on how much she looked like her mother. When she got to the kitchen, Chef Broussard's burnt chicken was waiting on the table. When Chef saw her, he was shocked." , Is that you?"
Chef asked. "Yes Chef, I'm sorry I can't talk much. I've got less than thirty minutes to get to school" Charlotte said. "Yes, but would you mind making your hair into a braid. You look too much like Derilia and I don't want any suspicions arising". Chef advised. "Ok Chef, gotta go. I'll see you when I get back," Charlotte said grabbing her bag and braiding her hair as she left to meet her driver. He too, mistook her for Derilia. "So, what do you think about her new look," Brenda asked the chef while coming down the stairs. "I think, My Charlie looks breathtaking.

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