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June’s P.O.V

“If I saw you one more time hitting your mate or touching her improprietly trust me this would never end on breaking your nose and your ribs. Understand?”, I said in slow dangerous voice .

“U-u-understand.” , he said shakily while his eyes showed fear even when we were in the darkest part of the forest and over that I was wearing a black hoodie.

Keeping my dangerous tone up, “Good, know your forgeting me and every single thing happened here, and your going to apologize to your mate as you reach the pack house, ok?”

No response just feared face expression with some rejection.



“Now go.”, I said releasing my grip  as he ran whimpering in pain.

I wish he wouldn't do what he did again. I would never like killing someone from the pack.

Now what should I do?

“Lets go eat, I'm starving.”, my wolf kate said jumping inside my mind.

Nope. I’m not risking anyone to see me in the pack house.

“Sleep in the forest for some couple of hours?.”

Nope. We slept all day .

“Beat someone to the edge of death?”

Nah, I beat so many to night.

“Then let me out for the moon goddess!”she said shouting.

I don't worship moon goddess.

“Just let me out.”, She said huffing.



Okay then .

I was about to give her control but then a familiar sound came in my mind.


Yeah my lovely father that only remembers me when he have a hard mission.

Like at least let your voice come  fakely sweet when you call me.

“Yes Alpha.”

“We need to talk, meet me at the forest entrance.”

“Right away Alpha.”

My father and I never had a father daughter relation we had  always been in an alpha and one of the pack members relation.

He even don't want anyone to know that I was his daughter, since he was ashamed to have a daughter that always wair a hoodie and don't know how to make a complete sentence exept in threatening.

But also this thing was good to me. Being the alpha’s daughter means being the second alpha female which means a big disaster to me. Like I can protect and defense them, but comunicate with them is a really hard thing.

The last time I talked POLITELY to a child that bullied his freind, he stopped talking for a month.

Reaching to the forset entrance, I saw the alpha waiting me there with a folded paper in his hand.

“Alpha.”, I said as my voice coming out rough yet calm than ever.

“Your going to the Alphas pack tomorrow by your wolf. Take this paper with you, you will need it to pass the territories.”

To what my honey?

“Yes, I coming out finally”, my wolf yulped.

Not your time Kate.

“What?”I said keeping my voice calm as my heartbeats.

“Your brother’s contact is cut. You will go bring your brother back, and don't come without him.”

“It takes 4 days and nights alpha.”

“I know you can do it in two days, other than that do you have other plans?”

“No, but can I go by airplane alpha?”, I said while my wolf winced.

“No, I didn't trained you all that training to go by airplanes”, He said keeping no place for arguments.

Wait did he just said that he trained me.

“Are you going or you want some more bruises.”, He said with his voice filled with anger.

Thats the only thing you can do in your life, giving more bruises.

“I'm going.”,I said in a calm voice.

Yeah I'm so calm.

“Good”, was all he said before he gives me his back and go.

Good bye to you too.

“My turn.” , Kate said exited .

Sighing I gave her all control.

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