.. Can you help me?

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Travis P.O.V

"Listen fag. Stop trying to fucking help me! I'm fine at home."

This was the usual.  The freak would always try to help me, he insists I have 'a bad home life'  He was correct though.  My dad got my mom addicted to pills and beat me when he had the free time.

But I wasn't going to let him know. He couldn't help.

"Why don't you let me help you?!" He sighed.

I was brought out of my thoughts.  I was about to answer when the bell rang.  "I don't need your pity."  I hurried off to class.

Sal P. O. V

Something is wrong; I know it is. Just as I walked up him to him he already knew what I was gonna say.

"Listen fag. Stop trying to fucking help me! I'm fine at home. "

"Why don't you let me help you?!" I sighed.   Travis was stubborn at sometimes yes, but this was more than stubbornness.  It was.. I don't know what it was.

Just as he was about to answer my question, the bell rang and I watched him hurry to class.   I caught up with my friends, Ash, Larry, Todd, Chug.   "So do you think that he's alright..?"

"He literally bullies you! Why does it matter?"   Larry asked.

"Because.. He always comes in with more marks on him. This could be ABUSE, Larry!  I know he bullies me for a reason!"

"I could care less. He hurt you,Sal. He could die for all I care."   Larry sighed, not seeing the point in fighting with him.  "I'm going to class." Larry hurried off.

--time skip to lunch--

I sat down with my friends.

"Soo.. Any new crushes chug?"

"Yes! And she's gorgeous." Chug replies, clearly happy. Continuing, "You guys know her already!"  He stopped before he could say to much.

"She sounds lovely chug. When can we know who it is?"  I asked, hope in voice.

He shrugged and laughed. "Never."  I roll my eyes at that, knowing that he could never keep anyone secret.

"Im gonna go to the bathroom to wash my hands."  I got up and made my way there.

Travis P. O. V

I held my breath when I heard someone open the bathroom door.

"Is anyone in here?"   Sal asked. And I wasn't going to reply.

Until I accidentally sniffled.  Fuck.

"Travis?.. We're you crying a second ago? " He asked me.

"No. I wasn't.. It doesn't matter!"  I lied.

I heard him sit down.

"You know you can talk to me, yeah? So.. Talk to me."  

I stayed quiet. I wasn't going to talk to HIM. I hardly talk to my therapist.

"Answer me." He said sternly. 

"I- fine.."  I opened up to him. Telling him about the abuse, the therapist, everything. I wasn't expecting him to stay as I talked about all of that. But he did.

"Wow.. I knew you had it bad but.. Never this bad."  He sounded surprised.

"I mean.. I guess it's pretty bad. I've learned how to deal with it though."

"That's not good." 

I sighed. I had no other option than to deal with it.  And god, did I wish I have an option.

"Um, Sally face? Can I ask you a question?"


"..can you help me?" I said quickly, regretting ever saying that.

He was silent for a moment.

"Yes Travis. But you have to promise to be nice to us."  He responded.


"Mhm. Can I have your phone number?"

I nodded, giving it to him.

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