Too soon

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I left the house to to to school, still hearing my dad's voice as he fought with my mother. He did this everyday, and I didn't know what to do anymore.  No matter what I did, he'd always fight with her.  I let my mind wonder as I walked to school, when I arrived it was.. Different.

Larry -- THE Larry Johnson, had came up and talked to him.  Normally, whenever he did this it involved a bunch of swear words and threats to kill me.

But not today.   Today, he actually offered me help on math.

"I thought you were bad at it?"  I asked.

"No, I'm good at it. I'm bad at reading though. " He laughed, looking at me once again.

"I mean- sure. I'd have to ask my dad though-- wait. How did you know I needed help?"  I was confused. Nobody else knew but my dad, the teacher, and Sal.

"Sal told me. He said you needed extra help on math." He shrugged.         

"Oh. That makes sense. Like I said I'd have to ask my dad. He's very.. strict."  I turned around on my heels and left.

Larry P.O.V

WHAT JUST HAPPENED.   Was sal right? Did he change? .. No.   It's Travis we are talking about. He never changes.

I was told to give him a chance, that he was nice- but when I tried to fight back Sal said he promised that he would be nicer to us.   I was shocked, but decided to head back to sal.

"So.. What'd he say?"   

"He said he had to ask his dad. And that he was very 'strict'.. Are you sure he changed?! He could still be-"   Sal cut me off before I finish.

"Larry! Enough!"  He raised his voice a little bit.

"Fine.."  When the bell rang I walked to class.


God.. I wish Larry could leave Travis alone. I've been trying to make him be nice towards him but.. No avail. He insists he's.. 'The same'.  But he's not. I can tell he's trying to change-- but.. What if Larry turns out being right? What if some people can't change?

I sat down in class just wishing the day would end.

Hearing the final bell, I ran to my last class. 

-time skip-

I walked home and texted Travis.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

I clicked my phone off. 

Travis POV  (suicide TW and abuse)

Walking home from school, I noticed something. My dad wasn't fighting with mom anymore. I quickly ran to find them both but only found a locked bedroom door.   "Uh-.. Mom..?"  I knocked. No answer.

I already knew my dad was down stairs, so I knew they werent fucking.   I began getting worried, knocking louder.

"Mom?"   Still no answer.  That's when I remembered mom had a spare bedroom key.  Grabbing it, I unlocked the door and immediately gasped.

My mother was dead.  I began sobbing, rushing down to get my dad.

"D-dad..? M-m-moms.. S-shes d-dead.."


"I-in her room..shes.. Dead." I looked down.

That's when I felt it.

Whack.    He had smacked me.

"SHE BETTER BE ALIVE OR IT'S GONNA BE WORSE."   He quickly hurried up the stairs and I just knew I had to get out of there. Opening the front door, I quietly shut it behind me.

Now I had to run.   I ran into a good 3 miles crying the entire way before running into someone.

"I-im sorry.. "  We both look up at the same time.





"Travis? What are you doing here.. It's freezing!"

"I don't care.. I really, really, don't."

"Well why are you outside?"    He went silent before mumbling.

"What was that?"

"My mom's fucking dead!"

I went silent.  "Oh my god.. Travis.. I'm so sorry.. "

"Don't be. Now move please."

"Do you even know where you're going?! And why are you leaving?!"

"Because I'll end up dead if I'm still there." His voice sounded like he was about to cry.

"Travis.. you can come with me."


I took his hand without even thinking.  

"Come on. Let's go."

I started walking back to the apartments.

"Can we hurry up? I don't want dad seeing me and it's cold. "

"Of course Travis. After we get there, I want to talk to you about.. "  my voice trailed off.


"About your dad. I want to talk about him."

My rescue ||  (NEW BOOK  / **Discontinued**حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن