Part 20

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You guys are so great 2.1k views and I love

all the great comments you left.

Thank you so much 😭😭😭😭

I love you guys.

Thanks for reading my crappy story.

Now let's get into the story.

The Hinata triplets are growing fast they are 2 months old now. 

It's everything Kei and Shoyo can do to keep up with them at least 

they are sleeping through the night now.

Shoyo's Mom and Mikazuki's Mom come by a lot, but Mikazuki's

Mom is also busy with his new Grandbaby.

Mikazuki ( Crescent Moon) and Shimizu had a baby boy that is a 

dominant alpha named Shingetsu (New Moon) he's a month old.

Akiteru helps them a lot too and Aone is there with him a lot.

Shoyo is getting use to all the alpha's that are Kei's friends as

much as he can.

Kei and Akiteru just got the babies down for a nap and Shoyo

is at one of the companies for a board meeting.

While Sebastian is trying to find a suitable nannies in secret 

knowing his Young Masters can't keep in their pants.

Sebastian know that Kei's heat doesn't happen for another 

2 and half months but it's best to be prepared he's a butler 

not a babysitter.

As they are sitting in the small living area Akiteru says

"God I wish Aone would make a move I love him to death

but come on."

Kei laughs then says

"You are the one that will have to make a move Aone is 

a gentle giant of a gentleman.

Aone has never read social cues very well that is why he

don't talk much.

I was really surprise when he ask our permission to court

you at least he picked up on you liking him back.

So big brother if you want to get fucked your going to have

to have your heat or make the move yourself." 

Akiteru whines

"Kei I'm not any better at social cues."

Kei says

"Just do what I do tell him what you want."

Akiteru whines

"Now you sound like my wolf ever since I met Aone

it's been screaming have him mate us."

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