Chapter - 13

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The morning's golden hues were replaced by the grim shadows of urgency as we reached the Gilberts' house. Bonnie, with her ever-present determination, was already there, a map spread across the kitchen table, a knife glinting in Jeremy's anxious grip. Stefan's face was etched with worry, his eyes scanning the map as if willing Elena's location to reveal itself.

"Ready for the spell?" Bonnie's voice cut through the tension, her gaze locking with mine. I nodded, the weight of the situation settling on my shoulders.

"It's gonna hurt a little," I warned Jeremy, trying to offer a comforting smile. He nodded bravely, and with a swift motion, I sliced his palm. The crimson drops fell onto the map, a stark contrast to the parchment.

We all leaned in as Bonnie and I began chanting, "Phasmatos tribum nas ex viras sequetus sangenium," our voices steady and commanding.

The blood obeyed, tracing a path as if pulled by an unseen force. "She's there. At Fells Church," Bonnie declared, her finger pointing to the spot marked by Jeremy's sacrifice.

We wasted no time. The drive to Fells Church was a blur, each of us lost in our own thoughts, the same fear uniting us—Elena's safety. The church loomed before us, its ancient stones whispering secrets of the past. Inside, Elena lay unconscious, her form still and vulnerable on the cold floor. Stefan was by her side in an instant, cradling her with a gentleness that belied his supernatural strength.

We were about to leave, when she appeared. Anna. "I needed to talk to you," she said, her eyes on Stefan and Damon. Her voice was calm, but it carried the weight of unspoken urgency.

"You kidnapped Elena," I accused her. "Why would you go to such extreme measures just to talk?" I asked, my voice steady despite the chaos of emotions within me.

"Because sometimes, desperate times call for desperate measures," she replied, her words hanging in the air like a premonition. "And what I have to say... it concerns all of us."

Stefan's gaze lingered on Elena's peaceful face, a silent promise etched in his eyes. "You can tell Damon what you need to," he said, his voice a low growl, barely containing the storm within. "I need to take Elena back home. She's been through enough."

He turned to Anna, the threat in his posture unmistakable. "If you ever pull a stunt like this again," he hissed, the menace in his tone as sharp as the knife that had drawn Jeremy's blood, "I will not hesitate to kill you."

With that, Stefan lifted Elena in his arms, her head resting against his shoulder, a silent testament to the fragility of life they all too often danced with. He didn't look back as he carried her out of the church, his steps resolute.

"You got a minute before my patience runs out and I kill you just for fun," Damon said looking bored.

"The tomb vampires," she began, her voice a low whisper, "they're out and they're angry. They've got a plan for Founder's Day, and it's not fireworks and parades."

Damon's stance was rigid, his eyes narrowing. "Spit it out, Anna."

"They're targeting the founding families," she continued, "using John Gilbert's invention. It's supposed to be a day of celebration... but they want to turn it into a massacre."

My heart skipped a beat, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "And you?" I asked. "Where do you stand?"

Anna's response was immediate, her resolve clear. "I'm not with them. I never was. I want to stop this, and I need your help."

"Do you have the Gilbert device?" Bonnie asked, her voice steady but insistent. Her eyes, sharp and calculating, fixed on Anna.

"No but I can get it," she said, her words laced with the confidence of someone who had walked through fire and come out unscathed.

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