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dream sits in his car, waiting for the day to be over as sapnap sits on the couch in their shared hotel room, wondering what is taking him so long.

dream planned to come inside 20 minutes ago, but the tears had no plans of stopping. his phone was still pressed to his chest, the same position it took right after he hung up.

george was getting married. to a guy, but that's not the problem. the problem was that it wasn't him.

"he's nearly 25," sapnap had said once he'd seen the look on dream's face upon getting the wedding invitation. "he's allowed to get married if he wants to."

but all dream could do was stress, "but it's tomorrow. it's literally a day after the invitation. why so soon? and why did he never tell us about this guy? is it not suspicious to you?"

sapnap just shrugged, obviously just excited for an excuse to get out of the house. "maybe they're just really in love and wanted to keep it private. it's none of our business."

dream watched from the car window as the sun went down. his gift for george sat in the backseat, along with sapnap's gift for george and his fiancé. to sapnap's dismay, dream only got george a gift, which consisted of 12 other gifts.

dream's head shot up as sapnap soon came storming out of the hotel doors and knocking on the car window. dream sighed and unbuckled the seatbelt, reluctantly standing in front of the slightly shorter boy.

"i'm not gonna let you be a downer this whole trip, okay? we came all the way to seattle for this. you could at least be happy about something."

dream laughed, only slightly acknowledging the loud fact that he had indeed complained about anything and everything on the way here. "like what?"

"i don't know," sapnap sighed, looking around, then pointing across the horizon. "there. the needle. isn't that cool?"

dream followed his finger to see the 605 foot tall needle, compacted with a line waiting to go inside. next to it stood a large ferris wheel. "i suppose that's cool."

"do you wanna go in? they sell kettle corn up there!"

dream shook his head, he wasn't in the mood to eat anything, and sapnap knew it.

it was nearly 5 seconds until the next bursting feeling of tears came along. this was common, for sentences to come along and replay in his mind that make him want to die.

'you're meeting george for the first time at his wedding with someone else. you're meeting george for the first time at his wedding with someone else.' it was pathetic, but he could never blame george for it. he blamed himself for being pathetic, and never making the effort to see him sooner.

he blamed himself for never telling george the truth, and letting the days fly by carelessly.

dream couldn't stop thinking about how much he wasted. every call was a taunt, the idea that maybe this would be the one. some days more than others, because sometimes his feelings felt shared... but he was played. there was someone else the whole time. when george spoke to him in that low and endearing voice, he was doing it with someone else in bed next to him.

that's the cruelest part, because, to dream, it just felt so real. somewhere in between "hello" and "goodbye"... there was love.

in the end, the fear of losing him was no match for the fear of loving him.


"whos that saucy minx over there?" sapnap teased as dream walked out of the bathroom, wearing a navy blue suit and tie, very close to be matching with sapnap's. dream just smiled, shaking his head.

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