AE86 Vs MR2: The First Battle

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Bunta was brimming with excitement, as he came into the Tofu shop, ready to put down his money for the Eight-Six. "Dad, I'm Home!" Bunta shouted, and Fujino smiled as he came down the steps. "So, Son... Ready to buy your first car?" Fujino asked. Bunta nodded, as they got into the station wagon which they normally used for the delivery of Tofu. His father remained silent throughout the drive, not wanting to take his son's mind off the excitement of getting his new car. They finally arrived at the showroom. Bunta got out of the station wagon, and began looking around. soon enough, he spotted the Eight-Six on showcase, and hurried over to it. "Wow........" Bunta looked over at the Eight-Six up close, admiring it now even closer. He saw the interior of the car, and imagined how he would look like, tearing down the hills of Mt. Akina at top speed. He then opened the car's hood, and then checked it. "This engine..... It seems like it's underpowered, but I think I have a secret weapon most people overlook.... Handling." Bunta said, before trying to close the hood as gently as possible. A showroom employee approached him, as Bunta also turned to face the showroom employee. "Sir, I find that you are interested in the Toyota AE86 Sprinter Trueno.....   Would you like to know the specs?" The showroom employee asked. "I know the specs. The engine's a 1.6 liter 4A-GE, 112 horses at the max, handling's a beast, I like it....." Bunta said, before walking off toward his father, who then began too take him through the multiple processes of buying the car. Thirty Minutes later, he was walking out with the necessary Paperwork to own a car, smiling ear-to-ear. He was in an extremely chirpy mood, and was too happy to notice a Toyota Camry V40 pull up hurriedly toward him. Bunta jumped out of the way at the last possible moment, and then looked over toward the people in the car. The man driving the car looked like he was about the same age as his father. The person in the passenger's seat was a boy who looked about eighteen years old. The man parked the car in the parking lot of the showroom, and the boy got out. Bunta kept on looking, as he saw the boy go on and take a look at the Toyota SW20 MR2, and then went into the office to begin the process of buying the car. "Don't mind me, my friend, but I think that the SW20 is a fine choice..."  Bunta said, giving the teenager one last look. "Bunta, It's time to go!" Fujino said, as Bunta turned around, getting ready to leave. Unbeknownst to him, the person that he had just seen was the person who would become his rival...... For the rest of his racing career.

*One week Later*

It was an early Sunday morning, as the station wagon that Bunta used for deliveries pulled into the parking lot.  Bunta, who was too excited to sleep, came into the shop, skipping with joy. His father smiled back at him, as he went up the steps to his room, only to find out that he couldn't sleep. Time seemed to slow down during the rest of the day, for he was simply too excited for the day to end. "Why does time slow down when you are not having fun and speed up when you are......" Bunta muttered and his mind kept on wandering over to the feeling of excitement as the 1.6 liter 4A-GE's purr filled him with satisfaction, and then flipping on the pop-up headlights, signifying that he was ready to go. Yuichi noticed his look, and understood what had happened. He didn't bother to stop Bunta and talk to him while coming back to school, allowing him to run home. Bunta waited all day long, and finally, the time came. 

It was Eight o'clock in the city of Shibukawa, as two soon-to-be rivals entered a Toyota showroom. Bunta went over to the showroom employee that had offered to tell him about the Eight-Six's capabilities, and showed the paperwork that would let him collect the car. Soon enough, another boy with Jet black hair, a rough jawline like Bunta's. They both seemed to be almost twins, other than the  fact that the other boy's eyes were not narrowed out, while Bunta's were. They both completed the final processes, before getting into the parking lot. "Hey, I've seen you before also. I remember you as the kid who was staring at me while I came into the  showroom. What's your name?" The teenager asked. "Bunta Fujiwara. My home course is Mt. Akina." Bunta answered with a flat tone, somehow missing all the excitement that he just had. "Nice to meet you. I am Ken Kogashiwa. My home course is the Iroha slope" The boy said, reaching out for a handshake. As soon as their hands touched, they both felt as is electricity was racing through their bodies. Both felt as if they had a desire to kill the person standing right in front of them. They could both see each other's aura, and could sense that the person who was standing in front of them was fast. Bunta then got into his  newly refueled Eight-six, now wanting to race Ken. "An Eight Six? How pathetic. You're not beating anything in that." Ken said. "Prove it, then! Let's get to the top of Mt. Akina and prove what we're made of!" Bunta yelled at Ken, who hastily got into his MR2, and then launched his car right off the lot. The 3S-GE roaring with determination. The 4A-GE was not to be outdone, for it roared off the lot. They then turned left, racing toward the foot of Mt. Akina. Bunta swerved around a traffic car, his eyes fixed onto the road and the SW20 that he was racing. The two cars drifted around the corner, both in an in-sync twin drift. "I'll beat you! You just watch!" Bunta yelled, as they continued racing toward the foot of Mt. Akina. "This'll be a downhill battle!" Ken shouted out, with Bunta following with a yell of approval. Soon, they were winding up the corners of Mt. Akina, the SW20 having an advantage due to more power output. "You may clinch the uphill, but I'll look after you on the downhill!" Bunta said, as they reached the top of Mt. Akina, Bunta and Ken pulled their handbrakes and spun their cars around. 

(Play song as soon as they line up for the battle. The song does not belong to me)

They reached the starting line, and parked their cars parallel to one another, now getting ready to race. The shouts of 'Five, four, three, two, one, GO!' rang out, as the two cars screeched off the starting line. "Let's do this!!!" Bunta said, crushing the accelerator as he went down the straight. The SW20 gained a slight edge on the Eight-Six, as its power output pushed it down the straight. They then reached the first corner, with Ken choosing to use grip for the turn. The body of the deep blue SW20 rolled to the right, as the car took the ninety degrees left turn, slightly understeering. Bunta decided to use a pendulum drift, and smoothly drifted the ninety degree angle. "He's fast, but not fast enough!" Ken said, crushing the accelerator once again. "You are not getting away!" Bunta said, while approaching the first hairpin. "Go!" Ken said, whipping the SW20's tail, as the car swung around the corner smoothly. Bunta dove into the corner right before braking to lose traction in the back tires. He then crushed the accelerator, counter steering heavily as he drifted out of the corner in second gear.  "He's fast. But he's new." Ken said, as he continued the race. He pulled away from Bunta on the next short straightaway, increasing their gap to a fair ten meters. The next corner came, as Ken again braked just before the corner, and then used a power slide to whip around the corner. Bunta decided to use his low powered engine to an advantage at this point. he let off the accelerator, downshifted to the second gear, as he then pushed down on the accelerator all the way. He then turned in the direction of the corner, and then performed a four wheel drift. With minimal counter-steer, he was able to exit at a much faster speed than Ken. "What!?" Ken yelled as he saw the Eight-Six appeared out of the hairpin much faster than he had expected. He then saw the car doing a four-wheel drift, with zero-counter steer. "How the hell did he manage to pull that off!" Ken shouted, trying his hardest to pull away. However, his efforts were to no avail, as the Bunta used Ken's Slipstream to get behind his bumper. " I will not let you pass!" Ken said, as he turned another corner, trying to block the inside. The Eight-Six tried to do an outside-pass on purpose, though he was not going to pass. Bunta hid his intentions well, as they appeared out of the other corner, filling the lane. They then did a twin drift, going out of the corner, as the Eight six went back to following the SW20's bumper. Both the cars were now stuck to each other, almost like magnets. "Come on!" Ken said, before coming to another corner. Another corner was taken, as Ken blocked the inside, and Bunta was still trying an outside pass. "I am not a joke! Don't kid around with me!" Ken yelled, as Bunta only smiled. His plan had worked. The five consecutive hairpins approached, and they both dove toward it with minimal braking. Bunta this time tried a different approach. He first braked, allowing a gap to form between his car and the SW20. The SW20 then braked, and the gap lessened. "Now!" Bunta said, as he braked at the last possible moment. Ken was now being pressured to go faster in order to hold his position. He pressed on the accelerator and went into a power slide, but then realized his mistake a tad bit later. He had begin to understeer, as his tires were worn out with all the blocking of the inside. Bunta drifted to take Ken's position, making sure that Ken couldn't stop drifting and return to the inside. "Let's go!" Bunta said, as Ken straightened out his car on the outside of the turn, and Bunta inched ahead, now in first position. "Yes!" Bunta celebrated, and continued the race. "Come on! I am in an SW20! I cannot be beaten by a measly Eight-Six!" Ken said, but failed to do anything about it. Bunta blocked his way through the rest of the course. However, on the final two hairpins, he used four-wheel drifts to further widen the gap, winning the battle. 

"I did it!" Bunta yelled, as he slowed down his car, having crossed the finish line and won. "Shit! How!" Ken yelled, before Parking beside Bunta, who had now slowed to a stop. Both teenagers got out of their cars, with Bunta now in an extremely happy mood. "That.... my friend.... was a good battle!" Bunta said, reaching out for a hand-shake. Ken slapped it away,  now furious. "Listen here, Bunta. I will be back. Faster. Better. This race was nothing. I will beat you!" Ken said, as Bunta just nodded away. "Whatever say, Iroha boy! Don't talk too much. " Bunta said. "I will make sure that this is the last time that you talk to me like that. This is the promise of me, Ken Kogashiwa, from the Iroha Slope, that I will beat you. No matter what. And when I do, You will be in a position like me, or even worse." Ken announced, before turning to leave. Bunta only shrugged, and then got into his car. He then turned it on, and then left for Shibukawa city, back to his home. 

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