The Battle of Mt. Akina: AE86 vs 240Z(S30)

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Bunta drove into the driveway of the shop, extremely happy with his new car. He was also in an extremely good mood because of his first win, making him whistle to himself. Fujino heard Bunta park his car, and turned around to face him. "So, son... how did the first race go?" Fujino asked eagerly. It had been his dream from a young age to join the racing scene, but sadly, he could not get himself his own sports car. Then, he was involved with the Tofu shop, too busy with it to find out time. Seeing that his son was able to live his dream pleased him a lot. "The first race went extremely well, dad! I went up against some cocky guy in an MR2. Needless to say, He had underestimated the Eight-Six's capabilities, and I was able to win!" Bunta said happily. "That's nice to hear, son. What strategy did you use anyway? I would have instantly expected the MR2 to take the lead, but what did you use to get back at him?" Fujino asked. "I made him wear out his tires too much by blocking the inside. The, he was forced to give up the inside on the third hairpin of the final five hairpins due to his tires losing traction and causing his car to understeer, allowing me to take the lead." Bunta explained excitedly. "Anyway, I have heard that there is this racing team called the Akina SpeedStars. I think that you should go ahead and challenge them, and then defeat them and make yourself the king of the mountain!" Fujino said, giddy at the prospect of having his son be the fastest downhiller on Akina. Bunta shared the same excitement, after which Bunta decided to go to bed in order to wake up for the Tofu deliveries in time.

Bunta turned off his alarm clock, as he got up. It was seven in the morning, and he had done the Tofu deliveries in the morning, after which he had tucked in for a good night's sleep. He rubbed his eyes, and then prepared himself for his day at school. Soon, he was walking out of the house, waving goodbye to his father. He decided to use the Eight-Six, Partly for showing off and partly because he had become tired of walking for miles to reach school. He unlocked the Eight-Six, got in, and eagerly turned the key, waiting for the satisfying sound of the 4A-GE to begin. The engine started within a heartbeat, and Bunta drove off into the distance, thinking about Yuichi's reaction when he saw him in a car.

Bunta arrived at Yuichi's house at approximately the time at which Yuichi would be leaving his home. He had estimated correctly, for he saw Yuichi come out of the house right while he was coming in. He gave the car a rev two times, causing Yuichi to come running out of the house. Bunta knew that he had tinted windows and could therefore, not be seen. Yuichi approached the Eight-Six, checking it out as he passed by. He let out a whistle of amusement, before letting out a sigh of unhappiness. Bunta was able to hear the sigh, having his window open a tad bit. "He reversed the car into an empty driveway, using it to get back onto the road. He then blocked Yuichi's path, before beeping the horn. "Yuichi, it's me!" Bunta shouted, as Yuichi relaxed, having gone into a minor state of panic. He then opened the door and got into the car, after which Bunta crushed the accelerator, revving the car to 8000 RPM. "She sounds good!" Yuichi said, and Bunta agreed with him. Bunta then brought the car to a complete stop, before merging with the main road. "So, Yuichi... I heard you sigh while you were walking out of your house and saw my Eight-Six. Is something wrong?" Bunta asked. "No... Nothing wrong. It's just that I long to get myself my own car. My dad's crappy diesel 5-speed simply doesn't make the cut. "Yuichi said, with Bunta agreeing. "Yeah, I used to drive a crappy station wagon that was used for my deliveries. She was extremely old... Probably would be even having a breakdown soon. That car doesn't even hold a candle to this one." Bunta said, as he then concentrated on the road.

The Eight-Six pulled into the school parking lot, while two boys were talking. "What the?!" One of the boys shouted, as he looked at the Eight-Six with a shocked expression. "What happened?" Bunta said, getting out of the car. "The Hell!" The other boy said, both now going into a delirious state. "The f*ck is wrong with you two?" Bunta cursed, before he and Yuichi continued walking into the hallways, leading them into the classroom. Even in the class, the two heard some murmuring, as they sat. Bunta finally made out the words. "Did you hear? there was a huge battle at Mount Akina yesterday night!" One of the boys sitting at the desk next to him whispered in an excited tone, loud enough for Bunta to hear. "Yeah, I heard it was between an Eight-Six and an MR2! I can't believe that the Eight-Six won!" The other boy responded. All of a sudden, the two boys that the two had met earlier walked into the door. "The Eight-Six is right here in this school guys! And the person behind the Wheel was none other than Bunta himself!" the two boys yelled into the classroom as they entered it. A huge shout of 'WHAT?!' Sounded through the entire classroom, as the surprised students turned toward Bunta , with even Yuichi now facing him. "Bunta, you never told me that you were the guy driving. You already had a battle and even won it?! I' m jealous!" Yuichi said, before Bunta was bombarded with Questions and compliments. Bunta barely had any time to answer one question before someone else asked another, and was thankful when the teacher walked into the class. "Looks like being fast has its own side effects." Bunta said, as all the students sat back down.

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