Part 2

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this is the second part of the story

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Reminder:The young man - while he was eating ice cream -: So what is your name?

Jisoo: My name is Kim Jisoo, you can call me Jisoo and you?

Young man: My name is Park Jimin

Jisoo: It was a pleasure to meet you, and now he has to go home. It's late. Goodbye.- I came home -

Jisoo's Father: Ah, you're finally back, madam

Jisoo: yes

Jisoo's father: Tomorrow will be the first day for you in Yuan High School.

Jisoo:-bored and frowning-oh well--

On the second day--She wakes up after the sun's rays that entered from through the curtains to wake up drowsy while rubbing her eyes. Then se went and did her routine, put on school clothes, and then quickly went to the bus stop.

Jisoo - panting -: stop, stop - screaming for the bus to stop because she's late -

Then she in went and sat in a seat by the window she looked around and she saw and a very handsome man, perfect young man who seems to be perfect, masculine and cold, to be strayed by his features that make everyone look down, who is he....!! ??

Definitely Kim Taehyung!!While she is wandering about that handsome, the bus moves, and her head hits the chair in front of her.

Taehyung saw her and  laugh at her

Jisoo: -touching her head- *why is he laughing, there is nothing funny, is this really shameful*Taehyung-wink-

Jisoo:-shocked-what why did he wink at me God is this a dream? Jisoo wakes up!!

Then i arrives to the school this is Yuan High School, hmmm, not bad okay Then I went to one of then she went to one of the  students to show her to the principal's office

Jisoo - touch her shoulder - Hey student!, where is the principal's office, can you direct me to it?Student - disgusted - Why did you touch me I feel really sick

Jisoo - sadly but she didn't show it -: Why??

Student: Look at your face in the mirror, and then come and tell me why.

Then the other students started bullying her, only Jisoo was just crying as she lowered her head.But for a while, that young man came to save her, so when he came to keep the female students away from her, then hugged Itsha, put on his coat and took her with him

To be continued...

Who is the boy who saved Jisoo?

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Kim Jisoo

Kim Jisoo

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Kim Taehyung

Kim Taehyung

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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